2020 Communications

This page contains important messages that were sent to the Chatham community during 2020 regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Communications to Campus

Select from the dropdowns below to review various campus communications. 

Dear Students,

This is a reminder that the following students must submit a negative PCR test within the
5-day period prior to the start of being on-campus in January:

  • Students living in any on-campus housing (including apartments)
  • Students living off-campus who are attending an in-person class or participating in oncampus activities

Based on our discussions and planning with the Allegheny County Health Department,
Chatham is offering two options for Spring Entry Testing:

  • On-campus testing in the month of January
  • Off-campus test with results submitted to Chatham

We understand it may be challenging to secure off-campus testing, and Student Health
Services will offer on-campus testing to any student who needs it. It is mandatory to
register (by January 3) prior to your test appointment to accommodate the number of
students that will need to be tested.

Please register directly on the Curative website and choose the appropriate date based on the table below. Testing is free, but it will request your insurance information. Your insurance will only be charged if testing is covered under your policy.  

All students who require on-campus testing must register for an appointment by
January 3, 2021. Please register as soon as possible to secure your space as testing spots
are limited (testing is also being offered for Chatham employees).

The testing dates by student categories are as follows:

Student Population

Testing Dates

RAs, GRDs, and approved winter residents and early arrivals

January 4 & 5 in Health Services

Health science commuter students returning to class January 11

January 5 & 6 in Health Services

All residents and health science commuter students returning to class January 15

January 11 in the mobile testing van 

All Eden Hall residents

January 13 at Eden Hall Campus 

All commuter students returning to class January 25

January 20 in the mobile testing van

Students are encouraged to receive a test off-campus to ensure you can quarantine in the
comfort of your own home if necessary. Students who receive a test off-campus or have had a positive COVID test in the last 90 days before before the start of in-person classes on January 25th should submit their results here at the Spring 2021 Entry PCR Test form.

As always, please visit the COVID-19 Informational Website for more information or to submit any questions. You may also contact the Office of Residence Life at ResLife@waki-aiai.net or Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714. Responses may be delayed during the holiday closure of 12.24 through 1.3.

Have a safe, happy (and healthy) New Year.


Student Health Services, The Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Communications

Dear Students,

As communicated to you earlier this month, Chatham is requiring Spring Term Entry Testing for the following student categories: 

  • Students living in any on-campus housing (including apartments)
  • Students living off-campus who are attending an in-person class or participating in on-campus activities 

This testing is being implemented based on the guidance from the PA Department of Health and Education and will help identify asymptomatic individuals to limit the spread of COVID-19. All students meeting the criteria above must submit a negative PCR test within the 5-day period prior to the start of being on-campus.

There are two options for Spring Entry Testing: 

  • Receive an off-campus test and submit the results to Chatham
  • Sign-up for on-campus testing on specific dates in January 

Further details on each of these options are below. 

Off-Campus Testing
Students are encouraged to receive a test off-campus to ensure you can quarantine in the comfort of your own home if necessary. Students who receive a test off-campus or have had a positive COVID test in the last 90 days before the start of in-person classes on January 25th should submit their results here at the Spring 2021 Entry PCR Test form. 

On-Campus Testing
We understand it may be challenging to secure off-campus testing within this time period. Student Health Services will offer on-campus testing to any student who needs it, but it will be important to plan accordingly. The testing dates by student categories are as follows: 

Student Population

Testing Dates

RAs, GRDs, and approved winter residents and early arrivals

January 4 & 5 in Health Services

Health science commuter students returning to class January 11

January 5 & 6 in Health Services

All residents and health science commuter students returning to class January 15

January 11 in the mobile testing van 

All Eden Hall residents

January 13 at Eden Hall Campus 

All commuter students returning to class January 25

January 20 in the mobile testing van

It is mandatory to register prior to your test appointment to accommodate the number of students that will need to be tested. Please register directly here on the Curative website and choose the appropriate date based on the table above. Testing is free, but it will request your insurance information. Your insurance will only be charged if testing is covered under your policy.

All students who require on-campus testing must register for an appointment by January 3, 2021. Please register as soon as possible to secure your space as testing spots are limited (testing is also being offered for Chatham employees). 

As always, please visit the COVID-19 Informational Website for more information or to submit any questions. You may also contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714. Please note: Student Health Services will be closed from December 24-January 3. 

We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday break. 


Student Health Services, The Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Communications 

Dear Chatham Students,

This message is a reminder that Spring 2021 classes being on January 6, 2021.

Students should be checking their courses on Brightspace regularly between Wednesday, January 6 and Friday, January 8. Virtual classes will not be meeting during this period; however, students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with each of their classes during this time. Faculty will be available to answer questions during this introductory period.

All students are expected to begin attending classes virtually starting on Monday, January 11.

In-person classroom or lab components can resume on Monday, January 25. Please pay close attention to your course syllabus for class-specific schedules for in-person instruction.

Students will only be permitted to attend in-person classes once they have received and submitted a negative COVID-19 test and their shelter-in-place period of 7-10 days is complete.

Some graduate programs have alternate plans and students have been notified by their departments regarding program-specific expectations.

We wish you a restful break and a happy new year,

Academic Affairs

Dear Staff, Faculty & Students, 

This note is to inform the campus community of changes in University operations and services effective Friday, December 11 through Sunday, January 3 across all of Chatham’s locations. 

These changes are being implemented in response to the end of the Fall Academic Term, the upcoming University Holiday Closure and the Governor’s new Limited-Time Mitigation Order announced on Thursday, 12.10.  

Campus Building Access
The following buildings will be closed beginning Tuesday, 12.15: 

  • Chatham Eastside
  • The Art and Design Center
  • Eddy Theater
  • Lindsey House
  • Buhl Hall
  • Laughlin Hall
  • Campbell Chapel 

Due to the Governor’s Limited-Time Mitigation Order, the JKM Library (except 24-hour computer lab with card access) will be closed starting today and the Athletic & Fitness Center will be closed starting Saturday, 12.12. 

The doors to all closed buildings will be locked, the temperature turned down, and housekeeping limited. For building or office access, please contact Public Safety at 412-365-1230. 

On Shadyside Campus, the following buildings will remain open and fully heated each day: Mellon, Berry, Beatty, Woodland, Braun/Falk/Coolidge, and the Carriage House.  

On Eden Hall Campus, with the exception of the EBC during to-go dining hours, campus buildings will be closed except by card access. The temperature in campus buildings will be reduced and housekeeping will be limited. 

Dining Services & Locations
Per the Governor’s Limited-Time Mitigation order, Parkhurst will provide to-go food service only from 11 am to 1 pm at Anderson and the EBC at Eden Hall beginning Friday, 12.11. 

Anderson and the EBC dining locations will be closed on 12.24, 12.25 and 1.1. Eastside Café and Café Rachel are closed now until 1.4. 

Athletic and Fitness Center (AFC)
Per the Governor’s Limited-Time Mitigation order, all gyms must be closed. In compliance with this order, the AFC will be closed beginning Saturday, 12.12 with a tentative reopening set for the Week of January 4th pending the release of the Governor’s order. 

JKM Library
Per the Governor’s Limited-Time Mitigation Order, all libraries must be closed. In compliance with this order, the JKM Library will be closed beginning Friday, 12.11, with a tentative reopening set for the Week of January 4th pending the release of the Governor’s order.

The 24-hour computer lab will remain open with ID-card access and full virtual services are available from library staff.

Book Store 
The Chatham Book Store will be closed from Friday, 12.11 until January 4. Online orders are available, and the bookstore manager is available to handle any emergency special requests on an exception basis via e-mail or phone.

Post Office
Starting Friday, 12.11, mail will only be available for pickup in the post office (no delivery across campus).  The Post Office will be closed beginning Thursday, 12.24 and will reopen on Monday, 1.4.21.  Special arrangements can be made with the Post Office for an emergency/urgent need.

Copy Center 
The Copy Center will be closed beginning Tuesday, 12.15 through January 4 except for special requests which can be arranged directly with the Copy Center staff.

Virtual Campus Services & Hours
Most campus offices and services are operating remotely and providing virtual services from now till the University’s Holiday closure beginning 12.24. Visit our Campus Services & Hours page on the COVID-19 Information site for contact info and details. 

Holiday Closure
As a reminder, the University will be closed beginning Thursday, December 24 and reopening on Monday, January 4. During this closure period, contact Public Safety at 412-365-1230 for any emergencies or campus access questions. Residents living in campus housing over break can also contact on-call Residence Life staff.

Staying Safe & Healthy
During the coming weeks and as COVID cases are rising, please to do your part to slow the spread every day by: wearing a mask, maintaining physical distance, washing hands, limiting close contacts, avoiding crowds, and staying home/apart from others if feeling sick.

We wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday season.


The Office of Communications 

Dear Chatham Students,  

In preparation for the Spring 2021 term, please carefully read this important communication concerning academic calendar adjustments and COVID-19 Spring Entry Testing protocols, including what you need to do prior to arriving on campus and can expect when on campus.  

New Entry Testing Requirement 
As was done in the fall, Chatham will continue to offer symptomatic, close contact, athletic team, and sample group COVID-19 testing for students through Student Health Services.  In addition to this existing testing protocol, Chatham will also require Entry Testing before the start of the term for the following student categories: 

  1. Students living in any on-campus housing (including apartments)
  2. Students living off-campus who are attending an in-person class or participating in on- campus activities 

The addition of Entry Testing to our testing protocol is being implemented based on the latest guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PDH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and is one more addition to our daily health and safety protocols that help us monitor and mitigate COVID-19 on campus. 

Changes to the Academic Calendar 
Based on the new Entry Testing protocols and the need to accommodate the testing schedule outlined below, the new start date for the majority of in-person classes is January 25 (virtual classes will begin as previously scheduled on January 11). 

Some graduate Health Sciences program and Pathways-to-Nursing in-person classes will start earlier (January 6 and 11), and students will be notified by their respective programs. 

An updated Academic Calendar is posted on our COVID-19 Informational Website under Spring 2021 Plans, and additional communications on spring academics will be sent via Chatham email. 

Entry Testing Details
Students who meet the categories above must receive a negative COVID test within five days prior to arrival to on-campus housing or before their first in-person class or activity. For those unable to receive a test while off campus or at home, Student Health Services will also provide on-campus testing (available by online appointment and by student group). 

We are encouraging all students to secure their tests while at home before coming to campus. If you are required to quarantine from a positive test taken at home, you will be able to complete your quarantine at home and not have to move to campus quarantine housing. 

Anyone who receives an off-campus test will submit their test results (positive or negative) via an Entry Testing Reporting Form. Instructions and a link to this form will be sent later this month via email and posted on the website. 

For those students who cannot receive a test while off campus or at home, Student Health Services will provide on-campus entry testing for students in January. All appointments must be reserved online and in advance. Instructions on how to sign-up will be sent later this month via email and posted on the website. 

The on-campus testing schedule is tentatively set as follows: 

  • January 4 
    • Graduate Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, and Early Move-in Students 
  • January 6-8 
    • Commuter and Off-Campus Students (returning to in-person classes January 11)
  • January 11-15
    • On-Campus Residential Students (living in residence halls or campus apartments)
  • January 19-22 
    • Commuter and Off-Campus Students (returning to in-person classes January 25) 

Please visit our Spring 2021 Entry Testing web page for more detailed instructions and example testing scenarios (including timing of when to receive the test) for both off-campus and on-campus testing. 

In addition to the Entry Testing requirements outlined above, Chatham is asking all students (including those living off campus) to shelter-in-place by limiting all non-essential activities prior to and upon arrival at Chatham. 

Students will only be permitted to attend in-person classes once they have received and submitted a negative COVID-19 test and their shelter-in-place period of 7-10 days is complete. 

Spring 2021 Information Session 
As we found in the fall, it will take a comprehensive and community commitment to ensure a safe return to campus this spring. 

We will continue to provide updates and reminders on these new testing protocols and requirements (and other community efforts) via email and the COVID-19 Informational Website over the coming days and weeks. Please remember to check your Chatham email regularly as plans may shift based on county, state, and CDC recommendations. 

In addition, Chatham will offer a Spring 2021 Information Session for Students and Families on Wednesday, December 16 at Noon where campus departments will share more information on testing, housing, campus life, academics and what to expect this spring.  Please visit our Informational Webinars web page to register.  

We hope you have a good end of term and restful holiday break.  


The Office of Student Affairs, The Office of Academic Affairs, and Student Health Services  

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty,  

We hope everyone had a nice holiday break and a good start to the virtual term period today. We will continue to provide ongoing updates for the community each week, including today’s important updates below:   

COVID Dashboard Update 
As of yesterday, Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported 8 new cases against 35 tests from 11.24 to 11.30. In addition, the Weekly Trends report was updated and shows 3 cases against 48 tests from 11.21 to 11.27, for a 6.25% positivity rate (down from the previous week’s 11.49% rate). 

Self-Reporting Reminder 
We are asking all students to self-report any COVID tests and positive or negative diagnoses they receive even while off-campus by using this self-reporting form. Faculty and staff should continue to self-report their tests and results as well. 

Student Testing in December 
Student Health Services is open and offering testing services for any local Chatham students who need a COVID test for symptomatic or close-contact testing between 12.1 and 12.23. Contact Student Health Services at 412-365-1714 to discuss your situation and next steps. 

Campus Visits Suspended 
Individual campus admission visits are currently suspended until January 2021. Virtual visits, information sessions and other virtual events are still available. 

Access to Campus Buildings
Campus buildings and offices are still accessible to employees and students at this time along with a variety of virtual services. We encourage students to check with individual departments for any modifications to on-campus hours or services between now and December 23.  

Helpful links to the latest hours, details and contact info for some key campus services and locations can be found here: 

Dining Services
The Athletic & Fitness Center
The JKM Library
Information Technology & Helpdesk
Campus Services & Hours Listing (COVID-19 Info Site)

Spring Return-to-Campus Testing 
This spring, Chatham will continue to offer symptomatic, close contact and sample COVID testing services. In addition, we will utilize Entry Testing for all returning students living on campus or those living off-campus and attending in-person classes (or participating in a campus activity). More information on this new protocol will be sent to all students this month via the website, email and US mail. 

Staying Safe Here and At Home
During the coming days and weeks, please continue your Cougars Care Commitment to: mask up, maintain physical distance, wash hands, limit close contacts, avoid crowds, and most importantly, stay home/apart from others if feeling sick. 

Please stay safe, healthy and best of luck on the rest of term. 


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and the Office of Student Affairs 

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty,

As of yesterday, Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported 2 new cases against 36 tests from the dates of 11.19 to 11.23. In addition, the Weekly Trends report was updated and shows 6 cases against 60 tests from 11.14 to 11.20 for a 11.49% positivity rate (same rate as the week before).

Below are some additional important updates for the community before the holiday break:

Self-Reporting Reminder
As we head into the Thanksgiving break and the remaining weeks of virtual classes and exams (November 30 through December 11), we are asking all students, staff and faculty to self-report any COVID tests and positive or negative diagnoses they receive off-campus by using this self-reporting form.

We will continue to track all tests and cases with data from this form (and any on-campus tests from Student Health Services) and update the COVID Dashboard with this information each week.

Student Health Services Testing
Student Health Services is open and offering testing services for any local Chatham students who need a COVID test for symptomatic or close-contact testing between 11.30 and 12.23. Contact Student Health Services at 412-365-1714 to discuss your situation and next steps.

Campus Operations and State Mitigation Orders
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania issued new COVID mitigation orders this week concerning remote business operations and other measures. These orders do not alter on-campus operations significantly at this time due to Chatham’s shift to virtual learning beginning the 30th and operating conditions under the current RAISED Campus Alert Level.

Additional details on any changes to on-campus operating hours, services and building access will be issued the week of November 30th.

Spring On-Campus Testing
This spring, Chatham will continue to offer symptomatic, close contact and group sample COVID-19 testing services. In addition, we will utilize Entry Testing for all returning students living on-campus or attending in-person classes. More information on this new protocol will be sent to all students in early December via the this website, email and US mail.

Staying Safe Over the Coming Weeks
While we are no longer all together on-campus, please continue your Cougars Care Commitment every day to: mask up, maintain physical distance, wash hands, limit close contacts, avoid crowds, and most importantly, stay home/apart from others if feeling sick.

Stay safe, healthy and enjoy the holiday break.


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and the Office of Student Affairs

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,  

As of yesterday, Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported two new cases against 30 tests from the dates of 11.17 to 11.18. On Tuesday’s update, the Dashboard reported 10 cases against 45 tests from 11.12 to 11.16, for a total of 12 cases so far this week.  

This week’s case counts are a slight increase over last week, consist of more commuter students and employee cases than residential students, and are reflective of the increasing case trends occurring throughout Allegheny County.  

In light of these trends and as we prepare to break for Thanksgiving, please continue to follow all Health and Safety protocols at all times, especially our Departing Campus Protocols for those leaving the residence halls. In addition, there are a number of new state and county health orders and advisories being issued so please do your best to stay aware of these as they are changing quickly.  

State and County Orders 
We have been working our way through these latest health orders from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Allegheny County this week and have updated our website with relevant information (and will continue to do so over the coming days and weeks). You can visit kndq.waki-aiai.net/fall2020 for a recap of the updates each week and links to more information. 

We have recapped in this email the most relevant updates to the campus community from the recent state and county orders. Please read the important updates below. 

Allegheny County Health Advisory 
Yesterday, Allegheny County issued a “stay-at-home” advisory which is focused on everyone limiting their movements to essential activities (work, school, food, medical and mental health/exercise). The County continues to see spread occurring from small social gatherings and the dropping off of important health and safety protocols, such as mask-wearing and physical distancing. 

This is an advisory, and not an enforceable order closing anything down at this time. In discussions with the local University Presidents this morning, the County Health Director is hopeful that people will modify their behavior now (and over the holiday) to limit social gatherings and interactions so they will not have to issue further orders, but that is unknown.  

As Chatham is already operating and running protocols very close to the recommendations of this advisory, there are no major changes to anything at this time at Chatham from this order.  

Pennsylvania Mask Requirements 
The Pennsylvania Department of Health issued an order concerning mask-wearing requirements in Pennsylvania. The details of this order are already incorporated in Chatham's masking protocol so there are no changes to our requirements. 

Pennsylvania Out-of-State Visitor Test Requirements
The Pennsylvania Department of Health mandated that anyone who visits Pennsylvania from another state must have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to entering the Commonwealth. We have updated our Visiting Campus procedures and protocols to reflect this new requirement. 

Details for Out-of-State Families Picking Up Residents 
For those families from outside of Pennsylvania picking up students over the coming days, as long as they stay in and near their car, they are not required to have a negative COVID test as it meets the “traveling through the state” exemption in the state order. 

Information on pick-up procedures (for both in and out-of-state families) has been added to our Departing Campus Protocol page and emailed to all residential students.  

COVID Testing for Out-of-State Residents Leaving Campus
As other states are quickly issuing similar out-of-state visitor (or residents returning from out-of-state travel) testing requirements, please contact Student Health Services at 412-365-1714 to discuss your testing options to meet any of these new requirements.

Requirements for Pennsylvania Residents Traveling Out-of-State 
The Pennsylvania Department of Health also issued travel restrictions as a result of which all Chatham students and employees returning from any state must have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to their return to Pennsylvania or quarantine for 14 days upon return. This replaces the previous “hot spot” list of states that Pennsylvania required a 14-day quarantine period when returning to Pennsylvania. 

Additional information on this has been added to our Travel Restrictions page, and we will continue to work through the particulars of this order and its impact in December and January if the order is still in place.  

Pennsylvania Testing Requirements for Colleges and Universities
The Pennsylvania Department of Health issued testing guidance to Colleges and Universities for returning to campus after the holidays or in the spring term. This included testing for before returning to campus, sample testing and ongoing symptomatic testing.  

Chatham will be sending details over the coming weeks on Entry Testing and on-campus residential student testing that we will conduct when we return to campus in January.  

Questions and Feedback 
We understand this is a lot of information to process, and that these orders can create confusion. Whenever they are issued, we work with our county and state health contacts to understand the order’s impact on our community and address items as quickly as possible. 

We thank you for your patience, understanding and attention to these updates. If you have any questions now or over the coming weeks, please be sure to submit your question on our Question & Feedback form, and we will do our best to address them. 

Please continue to stay safe, healthy and enjoy the holiday break.  


 The Office of Communications, The Office of Student Affairs and Student Health Services 

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff,  

As of yesterday, Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported 1 new case against 56 on-campus or self-reported tests from the dates of 11.5 to 11.9. This is down from last week’s case count of 5 and is a testament to the commitment of each and every one of you to the campus health & safety protocols over Halloween and through Election Day. Thank you!  

Rising Cases in Allegheny County 
While our case numbers are low so far this week, that is unfortunately not the trend within Allegheny County and across Pennsylvania, where some of the highest numbers of cases ever (and increasing hospitalizations) are being recorded. 

County officials share that family and friend gatherings and fatigue with maintaining masks and physical distancing seem to be leading drivers of cases. These rising case counts and contact tracing trends in the County are a reminder of how important it is to not just follow our protocols when on campus, but to be sure to maintain them when everyone is off campus as well

Please stay safe and vigilant. 

Returning Home & Thanksgiving 
With this in mind, we want to remind students about the Departing Campus Protocol issued last week with guidance and recommendations for how best to prepare to depart campus the weekend of the 21st and for when you return home. 

The best way to protect your health and the health of your family and friends when you leave campus is to follow the guidance in this protocol. Highlights include:  

  • Limiting your close contacts, social circle and non-essential activities this week and next
  • Avoid parties and gatherings and maintain physical distancing 
  • Wear your mask, wash your hands, stay home if not feeling well (and contact Student Health Services to arrange testing if displaying any symptoms) 
  • Develop a health plan with your family and friends for the days when you return home 

While this protocol is directed to students, the tips and recommendations here are also applicable to staff and faculty in preparing for the holiday season with family and friends while cases are rising in the County.  

Cougars Care 
When we started this term, The Cougars Care Commitment was built on the idea that your health—and the health of others—depended on all of us caring enough to work together to mitigate COVID-19. As we near the last weeks of the in-person portion of our term, we believe this community has risen to this challenge, and through the ups and the downs, has made our ability to be together for this long possible. 

Please continue this commitment to each other (and to your friends and family at home) over the coming days and weeks when on campus and off.  


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and The Office of Student Affairs 

Dear Chatham Community, 
As of Tuesday, November 3, Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported 5 new cases (4 commuter; 1 residential; 0 employees) against 66 on-campus or self-reported tests from the dates of 10.29 to 11.2. This is up slightly from the previous week’s trend, but still reflective of lower case counts from our highs last month. 
Staying Committed 
It is possible that we may see an increase over the coming days following the Halloween weekend, election day gatherings and from the general fatigue we all can feel in maintaining COVID protection efforts. While we understand how difficult and tiring this can be for everyone, we must remain committed over the coming weeks to helping keep the spread of COVID-19 under control through our ongoing individual and collective efforts. 
Remember: mask up, maintain physical distance, wash hands, limit close contacts, avoid crowds, and most importantly, stay home if feeling sick. 
Daily Health Screening 
To the protocol on monitoring symptoms, the new ChathamU App Daily Health Screening Option officially launched this week. This is a great way to monitor your health and other COVID risk factors each day. We encourage everyone to use the app or continue to receive an in-person screening at the AFC or other backup options at Eastside and Eden Hall (remember that showing the card or app pass is required for entry to some buildings). 
While the ChathamU App is a convenient and easy-to-use option, we want to reiterate a few key points for everyone to consider and keep in mind with the app: 
  • If you do not have a thermometer to take your temperature, you may pick one up at the AFC or Student Health Services. 
  • You should take your temperature and complete the health screening questions on the app BEFORE coming to campus. If you complete the health check while in-line or inside a building when asked to display your pass, you could be asked to leave. 
  • Please be courteous to anyone asking to see the pass. They are just doing their job and following protocols.  
  • This is a health screening focused on identifying potential symptoms or COVID exposure risk factors. While temperature is one metric, we are finding in our testing that runny nose/congestion, sore throat and fatigue are the primary symptoms of our positive, symptomatic tests. Please keep this in mind as you monitor for any symptoms and complete the screening each day.  
The Final Stretch 
This weekend will mark ~14 days before the shift of in-person classes to virtual and the closure of the Residence Halls on the 20th/21st. Later this week, we will release recommendations and guidelines for everyone on how best to protect their health (and the health of their families) as they prepare to leave campus and return home.  
As always, thank you for everything you are doing to keep each other healthy and safe. 
The Office of Communications, Student Health Services & The Office of Student Affairs 

Dear Chatham Students, 

Halloween weekend is coming up, and like so many holidays and cherished traditions this year, it’s going to look very different than in years past.  

First, we know it’s tempting to gather for parties at this time of year, but remember: the health and safety of yourselves, your classmates, and your community is at risk when protocols—especially in relation to parties and gatherings—around COVID safety are broken.  

Second, we are asking each of you to help hold yourself, friends and peers accountable in making smart choices this Halloween to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 at ChathamU. If you see or hear something, please say something to each other. You can submit an Honor Code report using the online form.   

Third, while the usual parties and gatherings aren’t possible this year, Student Affairs and student organizations have worked to bring fun and COVID-safe activities to you, including: 

  • Friday, 10/30: Chatham Drama Club Presents Chatham Chiller Theater
  • Friday, 10/30: Hocus Pocus Watch Party with the Pre Law Club
  • Saturday, 10/31: Chemistry Club Presents Chemistry with Pumpkins
  • Saturday, 10/31: Double Feature in Eddy Theater: Halloween (2018) and IT Chapter 1 (2017) 

Finally, Pulse@ChathamU has pulled together some additional Halloween resources on costume tips, alternatives to Halloween parties, and more. 

However you plan to spend this Halloween weekend, please make sure you’re doing your part to minimize close contacts: 

  • Wear a mask around others (even when outside)
  • Maintain 6 feet or more distance from individuals (and in groups)
  • Avoid large gatherings and parties 
  • Be aware of the “15-minute window” in your interactions
  • Practice COVID safety both on-campus and off 

It’s on all of us to keep each other safe. Have a happy Halloween! 


Heather Black, EdD
Dean of Students

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty,

This week’s COVID-19 Campus Dashboard updates showed only four new cases this week with three on Tuesday’s report and one on Thursday’s. These positive trends indicate that the enhanced health and safety protocols we put in place—supported by reports from Chatham and Allegheny County Contact Tracing—have successfully contained and reduced the spread of COVID-19 among our residential population. 

Based on the testing results and case trends seen this week, Chatham will adjust our campus operational alert level from HIGH back down to RAISED effective 5:00 pm today. Here is what this means moving forward: 

  • Academics: In-person classes that shifted to virtual this week, are allowed to return to in-person delivery next week. Individual faculty will communicate with each class on the details relevant to your class and when this shift will occur.
  • Housing: The limited activity protocol is lifted. However, guest policy restrictions limiting visitors to only those who live in the same residence hall or apartment building will remain in place. Residence Life will send follow-up details to all residents.
  • Dining: Campus dining locations will resume in-person dining services on Saturday, 10.24. Café Rachel will reopen on Monday, 10.26.
  • Events & Activities: Campus events and activities will resume on Monday, 10.26.
  • Shuttles: Shuttle service between campus locations will resume on Monday, 10.26.
  • AFC: The AFC will reopen on Saturday, 10.24.
  • JKM Library: The library will reopen for in-person services and reserved study space beginning Sunday, 10.25 at 5:00 pm.
  • Student Jobs & Internships: Students may return to on-campus jobs or off-campus internships and/or jobs once cleared with their supervisor.
  • Employees: Departments may return to previous work arrangements under the RAISED alert, and supervisors will communicate details with each department accordingly. 

While we are pleased that our collective efforts have worked to bend the curve back down, we also believe these past two weeks clearly show that we must not take this virus—and its direct or indirect impact on each other and our community—lightly. 

While we are fortunate that most cases have been mild or asymptomatic, spread of the virus like we experienced within our community greatly disrupts campus life and, more concerning, can quickly endanger those most at-risk to COVID at Chatham and in the larger community. 

Please remember that the most important things each of us must continue to do are: 

  • Stay home if feeling ill
  • If feeling ill (no matter how mild the symptoms), contact Health Services for testing
  • Wear a mask
  • Practice physical distancing 
  • Wash hands and clean surfaces
  • Avoid large gatherings and parties
  • Limit small gatherings and close contacts (>15 minutes less than six feet apart)    

Thank you to everyone for your support and cooperation with the enhanced (and daily) efforts we pursue to help protect the health of our community. By committing to these individually and as a community, our experience this term has shown that we can make a difference. 


David Finegold

Jenna Templeton
Vice-President of Academic Affairs 

Heather Black
Dean of Students

Dear Chatham Students (especially those preparing to graduate this Winter), 
Due to public health guidelines limiting large-scale gatherings, coupled with Chatham’s ongoing prioritization to protect the health and safety of our community, the December 2020 Commencement ceremony will be held virtually beginning Friday, December 11
From that date forward, and at a time convenient for you, you’ll be able to view the ceremony at kndq.waki-aiai.net/commencement. While it won’t be a traditional commencement, we hope you’ll take this opportunity to make it your own! 
While planning your celebration, you’ll also want to be sure to stay on track with these important details and next steps: 
Steps to Graduation 
In order to graduate, you need to: 
  1. submit your online degree conferral application
  2. register for commencement 
You can do both of those things on myChatham. The deadline for both is Sunday, November 15. 
Time to look the part! Regalia—cap, gown, and hood—can be ordered through the Chatham bookstore. The deadline is Saturday, November 7th.
Graduation Photographs
GradImages will visit Shadyside Campus on 11.19 and 11.20 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Welker Room to take photos of graduates in their regalia. 
A link to schedule appointment times will be made available to all eligible students. If you are not available to attend either day, you will be able to submit a photo and it will be added to your backdrop.
Graduation Announcements
Graduation announcements (and other items, such as rings and diploma frames) can be ordered through Herff Jones.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please reach out to AcademicAffairs@waki-aiai.net. On behalf of everyone at Chatham, we are proud of all that you’ve accomplished, and we can’t wait to celebrate (virtually) with you starting on December 11! 
The Office of Marketing & Communications 

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,  

Since last Friday, Chatham has unfortunately seen our positive cases rise from a low of 10 to 41 (as of today, 10.16). Visit the Campus Dashboard for the latest updated information and weekly trends data. 

We are pleased that our health and safety protocols have worked and been instrumental in identifying positive cases (thankfully all presenting as mild or asymptomatic); however, the case increase is concerning, and indicates we must enhance our efforts to control and reduce the spread of COVID next week among our Shadyside Campus undergraduate residential population. 

While today’s testing and case results suggest that contact tracing and quarantine/isolation protocols may have begun to slow the spread from earlier this week, we are at a critical moment and need to take additional steps to ensure we continue to reverse this trend. 

Shift in Operational Alert Level

Effective at 5 PM, on Friday, October 16th, Chatham is raising our operational alert level from RAISED to HIGH and implementing the following measures: 

To limit campus movements and interactions, any in-person undergraduate classes on Shadyside Campus, Chatham Eastside, and Eden Hall Campus will shift to virtual delivery beginning 5 PM, Friday, 10.16 running through Sunday, 10.25. Additional information will be sent over the weekend from the Program Directors, Department Chairs, or Deans as needed. 

Graduate programs may continue to hold in-person classes as determined by the specific department and communicated by the Program Director.

Residential Students
Residential housing on Shadyside Campus and Eden Hall Campus is being moved to a limited activity protocol beginning 5 PM on Friday, 10.16 running through Sunday, 10.25, consisting of the following: 

  • Residents should limit their activity outside of their residence to pick-up meals at campus dining locations, visit the grocery store or pharmacy, receive medical attention at the doctor or Student Health Services, participate in outside walks and exercise, or for other essential needs.
  • Residents will not be allowed to visit other residence halls and apartments.
  • COVID sample testing of different residential groups will occur next week. 
  • Additional information and details will be sent by the Office of Residence Life.
Campus Activities & Operations

Following are important details concerning modifications to campus activities and operations beginning at 5PM on Friday, 10.16 running through Sunday, 10.25: 

  • All campus dining locations will only offer to-go orders (the Tent and Café Rachel will be closed).
  • All on-campus events and activities are cancelled for the week.
  • Shuttle service is suspended between Shadyside and Eastside and Eden Hall Campus.
  • Any undergraduate students with on-campus jobs, participating in internships or with an off-campus job should shift to remote work if possible.
  • The Athletic & Fitness Center (AFC) will be closed.
  • The JKM Library will move to fully virtual services with the 24-hour computer lab remaining open with swipe card access.
  • Helpdesk will remain open for virtual and in-person service by appointment.
  • Students should check with each department for any changes to on-campus services next week. 

We are fortunate to have zero employee cases and no spread to employees identified from contact tracing this semester. Given this positive trend, we will continue to have essential campus service employees report to campus for work and encourage telework next week for those who are able as determined by each department. If you have questions, please reach out to your supervisor or departmental vice-president.

Looking Ahead to Next Week

We will continue to monitor our testing and case counts, and update everyone accordingly throughout next week. In addition to the new measures next week, everyone should continue to: 

  • Stay home if feeling ill, and contact Student Health Services for testing (no matter how mild the symptoms)
  • Wear a mask
  • Practice physical distancing 
  • Wash hands and clean surfaces
  • Avoid large gatherings
  • Limit small gatherings and close contacts (>15 minutes less than six feet apart)    

We do not take these steps lightly and know that we are asking those of who you have been working so hard this semester to now take on more responsibility and sacrifice next week to support the health of our community. If we can come together around these efforts next week, we are optimistic that we can bend this curve back down to the low positivity rates we saw throughout the semester. 


David Finegold

Jenna Templeton
Vice-President of Academic Affairs

Heather Black
Dean of Students

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,   

We are writing to share with you an overview of some important information regarding the spring 2021 academic term.   

Full details are available on the COVID-19 Information Site, and highlights include:   

  • The spring academic calendar begins January 6-8 with virtual academic acclimation followed by continued virtual class delivery January 11-17 with any in-person instruction classes beginning January 19. Some graduate programs may have differing in-person instruction schedules and requirements; students will be notified by the specific academic department.
  • In place of a traditional spring break, there will be one day off each month. Classes will end on April 23 in accordance with our academic calendar.  
  • Students will be required to shelter in place—on or off-campus—for 14 days before attending classes in person.  
  • As with fall term, classroom delivery methods will include a mix of in-person, virtual, and online options.  
  • There will be an extended refund period, including refunds for withdrawal from the University, housing and meal plans.  
  • Additional information about spring registration will be sent on Friday and residential students will receive additional information next week. 
  • More detailed communications and updates will be shared over the coming weeks from various departments.  

After reviewing the initial Spring 2021 information, if you have any questions, please submit them using the form on our Fall 2020 website or contact AcademicAffairs@waki-aiai.net.   

Thanks for your attention in this matter, and best wishes for a successful semester.   



Dr. Jenna Templeton
Vice President of Academic Affairs   

Dear Chatham Community, 

Chatham’s COVID Campus Dashboard was updated this morning for the period 10.13 through 10.14. 

During this timeframe, there were a total of 54 tests, with 18 new positive cases, and 44 quarantine/isolation spaces in use. All but one of these new positive cases came from testing of an athletic team, men’s ice hockey, which was implemented as a safety protocol after multiple positive cases on the team occurred earlier this week. 

The good news is that the safety protocols (e.g., suspension of team activities, shelter-in-place for team members and full-team testing) were quickly activated, cases were identified and placed in isolation, contact tracing and quarantine of close contacts occurred, deep cleaning of impacted campus areas was completed, and any identified cases are mild or asymptomatic. 

The bad news is that this cluster of cases suggests a serious break in health and safety protocols. At this point in time, all men’s ice hockey student athletes are in isolation or quarantine, and all team activities are indefinitely suspended pending additional investigations and any disciplinary actions if violations of protocols and/or the honor code are found. 

The University takes this situation, and its impact on our campus community, very seriously and will proceed accordingly. 

Thank you to everyone who continues to wear a mask, maintain physical distance, stay home when sick (and call SHS for a test), and limit your close contacts. These steps are more important than ever, and we must maintain our commitment to them daily. 

The Dashboard will be updated again next Tuesday, and we will update everyone again at that time (or sooner if necessary). In the meantime, if you have any questions on anything related to this or other COVID protocols, please submit them on the Fall 2020 COVID site.  



The Office of Communications, The Office of Student Affairs, Chatham Athletics and Student Health Services

Dear Chatham Community, 
Chatham’s COVID Campus Dashboard was updated today covering the period 10.8 through 10.12. During this timeframe, there were a total of 109 tests (102 on-campus and seven self-reported tests) and five positive cases. Contact tracing occurred, along with any necessary follow-up testing, and there are 18 quarantine/isolation spaces on campus in-use. 
With today’s dashboard update, we are writing to share information on important safety protocols relevant to the most recent positive cases, which included students participating in a sports team. Anytime there are two or more unrelated positive cases within a sports team (or 20% of the roster), team activities are suspended, all team members will be directed to shelter-in-place for 72 hours and all team members will be tested.  
All of the safety protocols outlined above were implemented based on the cases in this reporting period. In addition, sample testing of the athletic team occurred last week and all tests were negative, which reinforces that sample testing is just one part of our overall health and safety strategies, but the most critical things that all of us need to continue to do are:  
  • Stay home if feeling ill (and contact Student Health Services for testing)
  • Wear a mask
  • Practice physical distancing 
  • Wash hands and clean surfaces
  • Limit your close contacts (>15 minutes less than six feet apart)   
The Dashboard will be updated again this Thursday, and if you have any questions on anything related to this or other COVID protocols, please submit them on the Fall 2020 COVID site.  
The Office of Communications, The Office of Student Affairs, and Student Health Services

Dear Chatham Community,

Chatham’s Campus Dashboard was updated yesterday on 10.8 and currently reflects testing, cases and other data through the end of day on Wednesday, 10.7 (the next update will occur on Tuesday, 10.13).

We are writing today to share additional information on the latest dashboard data and trends we are seeing through this week. Here are some key points to understand:

  • 509 on-campus tests have been conducted since August 21st (13 self-reported tests from students and employees have been reported).
  • We have had 10 positive cases, representing a low .019 positivity rate.
  • Of the positive cases, 9 have been commuter students and 1 was a residential student.

While we are pleased (and fortunate) to have such low positivity numbers, we saw our highest daily positive case count this week on 10.6 with 3 positive cases. In addition (and also concerning), we saw a higher number of close contacts from these cases and now have 18 on-campus quarantine or isolation spaces in use along with a number of students in quarantine at home or off-campus.

As a reminder, a close contact is someone identified by contact tracing as being within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes of someone who tests positive for COVID, whether wearing a mask or not. Chatham tests all close contacts and they will be placed into the quarantine protocol regardless if their initial test is negative.  

So, you may ask, what should we take away from all this?  

First, we should take comfort that our positivity levels are low, and that as we have expanded sample testing, we have not found asymptomatic community spread. This is a testament to the Chatham community wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, washing hands, and following other health and safety protocols when both on-campus and off. We must maintain our commitment to these to ensure these trends continue.

Second, our positive cases have presented as symptomatic, with, thankfully, mild symptoms. This reinforces the importance of taking care of yourself, staying home at the first sign of sickness, and getting tested if not feeling well.

Finally (and in many ways, the most important take away from this week’s results), each of us needs to do our part to help keep personal close contacts to a minimum in the event that someone tests positive by limiting the number of people you interact with on a regular basis (i.e., “form a pod”). We must also continue to do the following:

  • Wear a mask around others (even when outside)
  • Maintain 6 feet or more distance from individuals (and in groups)
  • Avoid large gatherings
  • Be aware of the “15-minute window” in your interactions
  • Do all of these when you are both on-campus and off

All in all, Chatham’s results so far show that we are following the protocols and helping to hold each other accountable. Let’s be sure to keep this up and start to focus on keeping close contacts to a minimum. 

We will continue to update the dashboard every Tuesday and Thursday (notifications of the update are shared on Twitter, the Fall 2020 home page and the Friday weekly update e-mail). In addition, we will provide additional communications such as this one from time to time as needed.

As always, if you have any questions, please submit them on the Fall 2020 COVID site. 


The Office of Communications, The Office of Student Affairs, and Student Health Services

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff, 
Today marks a milestone, as we have successfully completed the first half of the Fall term’s in-person classes, with six weeks to go until the Thanksgiving  break, and the final two weeks of virtual classes to follow.  
I am incredibly proud of the way the Chatham community has risen to the challenge of the global pandemic, embraced the Cougars Care Commitment, and treated each other with kindness and patience in the majority of our interactions. It is these collective efforts that allow us to be together on campus (and also virtually), while helping to keep everyone safe and healthy. 
We’ve been fortunate to have low positive case counts even as we continue to expand our sample testing to more groups. Let me be clear: these results are a testament to each and every one of you! By what you choose (and choose not to do) each day, you are helping to keep each other healthy and protect the most vulnerable among us. 
But while we should take time to celebrate reaching this milestone, which many thought unlikely back in the summer, now is not the time to let our guard down.  Now is the time to recommit to each other, and practice those things that are showing they can work: 
  • Stay home if you are sick (no matter how mild the symptoms)
  • Wear your mask 
  • Stay physically distant 
  • Avoid gatherings without masks or physical distance 
  • Wash your hands and wipe down surfaces 
  • Follow the what to do if sick or identified as a close contact protocols  
Let’s continue to embrace these (and our other) protective measures so that we can continue to be socially and academically connected (even if behind a mask and six feet apart).  
Finally, I’d like to close with a thank you to our own “essential front-line workers” -- the staff and faculty – who have worked so hard to support our students and campus community and enabled us to have such a successful start to the term in such difficult circumstances. 
Thanks again for all you are doing. Sue and I hope to see you around campus with our latest addition to the Finegold family, our new dog, Louis.

President, Chatham University

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, 

As you know, Chatham provides COVID-19 rapid testing for the following individuals: 

  • students who are showing symptoms of COVID-19
  • students who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 (a close contact)
  • sample testing of select community groups (which started with student athletes on 9.8) 

Starting this week, we will begin sample testing of our second community group: Resident Assistants (RAs) and Graduate Resident Directors (GRDS). Next week, sample testing of on-campus residents will begin. Details on how this process will work will be sent directly to on-campus residents. 

Sample testing is an important health and safety protocol that supports our efforts to manage COVID-19 on campus by helping us identify any asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic individuals. 

We want to thank everyone once again for your efforts to follow campus health and safety protocols by participating in daily health checks, wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, staying home if sick and following the "What To Do If..." procedures on the website if not feeling well or in close contact with someone positive for COVID-19. 

Also, be sure to visit our Testing & Contact Tracing web page for more details about testing, and a video showing the testing process at Student Health Services. 



Dr. Ron Giles
Director, Student Health & Wellness 

Dr. Heather Black
Dean of Students


Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty,  

As part of Cougar Cares initiatives to foster a safe and healthy campus community, we are pleased to announce a new “space reservation” system for the JKM Library building. This reservation system includes the group and individual study rooms, as well as study tables, study carrel desks, comfortable seating, and computer lab seating.   

Please begin to explore the reservation system and the dropdown menus at the top of the screen to select different library spaces. Starting Monday, September 21, all patrons entering the JKM Library building will need to have a reservation in addition to presenting their Chatham IDs and health screening cards. Spaces should be reserved in advance of entering the library. While reservations are not required this week, priority for a space will be given to patrons who do make a reservation.  

The following additional information should also be reviewed: 

  • An additional window of time has been added between each reservation to allow for air circulation before use by the next patron. Patrons should leave their space promptly at the end of the reservation to allow for this opportunity.  
  • Patrons are restricted to 3 hours of reservation time in the library building per day, which can be split into two separate reservations.  
  • Reservations may be made up to 28 days in advance. 
  • Patrons are expected to wipe down their reserved areas after use. Wipe dispensers have been installed on all four floors of the library (near the elevators with additional dispensers in the labs and classrooms). 
  • Please do not move furniture, including chairs. has All spaces have been arranged for appropriate physical distancing. 
  • Masks must always be worn in the library building unless alone in a group or individual study room with the door closed.  
  • No food is allowed in the library building. Drinks with lids are permitted.  
  • Meetings with OAAR or Career Development do not require reservations through the library’s system, but if you would like to remain in the library after a meeting, you will need one.  
  • Library staff is monitoring adherence to campus health & safety protocols, providing friendly reminders, and following appropriate reporting procedures as necessary.   

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we make every effort to keep the library as safe as possible for you!   

Thank you,  

The JKM Library Staff 

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: 

Chatham was informed this afternoon (through self-reporting) by a member of the campus community that they tested positive for COVID-19. The last time this community member was on campus was Friday, September 4, and the community member is currently isolating at home off campus. 

Contact tracing by Chatham has occurred and anyone identified as a close contact has been contacted directly. In addition, all cleaning and other protocols are underway in accordance with campus and public health guidelines. 

As this is Chatham’s first positive case, we are informing the campus community directly via email as part of the University’s Campus Dashboard update for today, 9.10. The Campus Dashboard is where the latest testing and positive case information will be regularly updated and shared. Not all positive case notifications will receive a campus email such as this (it will be dependent on specific case situations). 

As always, please follow these important health protocols: 

  • For everyone: 
    • Continue to wear your mask, stay physically distant and wash your hands regularly.
    • If you are feeling sick, stay home from school and/or work.
  • For students:
    • If displaying symptoms of COVID or if you have been identified as a close contact of someone positive for COVID-19, stay home and contact Student Health Services to schedule a rapid test (this is open to all students, including commuters).
    • If you receive a test off-campus, be sure to report that you received a test (and again later when you receive your results) to Student Health Services.
  • For employees:
    • If displaying symptoms of COVID or if you have been identified as a close contact of someone positive for COVID-19, stay home and contact your medical provider and/or follow the instructions of contact tracers for testing.
    • Contact Human Resources to report that you received a COVID test (and again later when you receive your results). 

For more detailed instructions and frequently asked questions on these health protocols, please visit the What To Do If Sick or Close Contact webpage on our COVID Informational website. In addition, be sure to review the resources and information on the Testing & Contact Tracing and Quarantine & Isolation webpages to learn more about these important topics.  


The Office of Communications

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff,  

Since the start of term, Chatham has been providing COVID-19 rapid testing for any students who are showing symptoms of COVID or who have been exposed to someone with the virus. Be sure to visit our Testing & Contact Tracing web page for more details and a new video showing the testing process at Student Health Services.  

Chatham is now prepared to begin the next phase of the University’s testing protocol which entails conducting sample testing of different community groups, while continuing to offer symptomatic and close contact testing services. Sample testing will identify asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic individuals, and serve as another important health and safety protocol in our efforts to manage COVID-19 on campus.  

Sample testing will begin the week of 9.8 for our first testing group, student-athletes, which will allow us to meet NCAA requirements in order for teams to return to practice. Once the students on the athletic teams have been tested and the testing process has been refined over the next 2 to 3 weeks, sample testing will be expanded to include other community groups on campus, such as: those participating in labs, residence halls, and/or on-campus staff.  

Chatham’s phased approach to testing is focused on protecting the health and safety of our campus community and ensuring that we have the capacity to serve (and scale) the testing needs of the campus. Chatham's testing protocol may continue to change as we adapt to the conditions on campus, new county and federal guidance, and new testing formats that may become available over the coming months.  

We want to thank everyone once again for your efforts to follow campus health and safety protocols by participating in daily health checks, wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and following the "What To Do If..." procedures on the website if not feeling well or in close contact with someone positive for COVID-19.  

These individual and collective efforts (supported by campus testing) are the absolute best way to protect your health and the health of others, while helping us maintain our presence here on campus.   



Dr. Ron Giles
Director, Student Health & Wellness  

Dr. Heather Black 
Dean of Students 

Dear Chatham Students:

Per our Academic Calendar, there will be no classes this coming Monday, September 7th in observation of Labor Day. While we hope that you enjoy a restful long weekend, we want to issue a reminder about the travel and safety guidelines currently in place to ensure the health and safety of our Chatham community. Please review these key items to keep in mind as you make informed decisions about how to spend your Labor Day weekend:

  • Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to avoid unnecessary travel, especially by air or to one of the PA Quarantine states.
  • Be aware that all students, faculty, or staff members who travel to a state that is currently on the PA Quarantine list must quarantine upon their return to campus. For full information, please visit the Travel Restrictions section of our Fall 2020 website. If you are an on-campus resident who traveled to a quarantine state, please email reslife@waki-aiai.net for further directions.
  • If you do intend to travel, you should consult with faculty to understand the impact that quarantine protocol may have on your academic progress.
  • Regardless of whether you choose to travel or remain local, remember that quarantine mitigation does not take a vacation. Please continue to practice social distancing, mask wearing, and frequent hand washing and sanitization throughout your holiday weekend to ensure we can keep our campus community safe. 
It is up to all of us to follow these guidelines to keep one another safe and help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Enjoy your long weekend.

Be well,

Dr. Jenna Templeton
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Heather Black
Dean of Students

Dear Students,  

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been told by Allegheny County or Chatham contact tracers that you are a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you must get a COVID test on campus.  

Here are the steps you should follow to schedule and receive testing:  

  1. Make an appointment with Student Health Services by scheduling online or call 412-365-1714. 
  • Testing is available M-F, 8 am - Noon 
  • You must make an appointment in advance 
  1. When it’s time for your appointment, go to the two tents set up outside of Student Health Services at the back of Woodland Hall for check-in. 
  • Masks are required 
  • Bring your Student ID 
  1. A trained test provider will administer the test. The test involves putting a swab in your nose.  
  1. After the test, it will be taken into the lab for processing. You will be directed to the second tent, where you can wait on some chairs. Processing and results take about 15 minutes.  
  1. Student Health Services will provide you the results and directions for your next steps based on your specific situation and test results.  

As always, please visit kndq.waki-aiai.net/fall2020 for the latest information and updates on our response to COVID-19 this fall, including our “What To Do If Sick or a Close Contact” pages and our Testing & Contact Tracing pages.  


Dr. Heather Black
Dean of Students 

Dr. Ron Giles
Director, Student Health & Wellness 

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff, 

Chatham has designed a series of graphics—for both students and employees—to explain the different processes and protocols you should follow for two scenarios: 

  • What to do if you feel sick
  • What to do if you are identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 

The graphics will walk you through the steps you need to take and explain what will happen in these scenarios. Please review this important information in order to help protect your health and the health of the entire Chatham community.   

You can view this information (and a list of Frequently Asked Questions) at http://kndq.waki-aiai.net/fall2020/what-to-do.html. 


The Office of Marketing & Communications

Dear Students,  

Earlier this summer, contact tracers found that people going to bars were spreading COVID-19, and Allegheny County shut the bars down (and have continued to limit operations). This week, the County had reports of college parties in Pittsburgh, and discussed with all of the local colleges the importance of our students following health and safety guidelines to avoid a repeat of what happened in June and July.  

I’ll be as clear as I can: if parties and flouting of health and safety guidelines continue to occur, the County or City could well take steps that will greatly impact and limit your experience this academic term!  As you know, Chatham student behavior off campus is subject to the Honor Code, which includes our new COVID guidelines, and we ask that you each help us in stressing the importance of these behaviors with your peers.  

It’s the responsibility of each and every one of us to do what we can to help keep the Chatham community—as well as Pittsburgh as a whole—safe. Here’s what you need to do:  

  • Going out? Mask up. Masking is one of the most important things you can do to protect your friends and your community. 
  • Avoid going to parties where physical distancing is likely to be a problem. The CDC recommends six feet as the minimum distance that can help stop the spread of disease.  
  • Remember the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) guidelines: No more than 25 people are permitted at an indoor event, and no more than 50 at an outdoor event. Let’s also be realistic, more than 25 people cannot fit in a house or apartment with proper physical distancing.
  • Hold your friends and peers accountable.  If you hear plans about a gathering that seem to violate guidelines, talk to your friend. 
  • Stay home if you’re not feeling well. The importance of this can’t be overstated.  

We know that for many of you, this may represent a different form of socializing, and we really appreciate your taking these measures to try to keep our community safe during this pandemic. By taking care of each other, we will get through this.  


Heather Black, Ed.D.
Dean of Students 

Dear Chatham Community,  

By now, we all hopefully understand the importance of wearing masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19, but you may still have questions about masking protocols on campus. 

When are masks required?  

Masks are required:

  • In classrooms and labs
  • In offices and conference spaces
  • In common areas, hallways and walkways
  • In public spaces like the library, gym, or dining hall (when not eating)
  • When meeting with at least one other person, even if people are sitting six feet apart
  • When traveling from workspace to restroom, copier, etc.
  • On shuttles or if being transported by public safety
  • In crowded places—inside or outside
  • A good rule of thumb: When inside, always mask up 

When are masks not required?  

  • When alone in an office, workspace, residence hall private room, or apartment
  • When outside and can easily maintain physical distancing of six feet or more 

Mask Best Practices 

  • Mask must cover your nose and mouth.
  • Disposable, reusable, purchased, and homemade masks are all acceptable. Pick one that’s comfortable for you, can stay on your face without you holding it in place, and store it in a clean place when not in use.
  • Reusable masks should be washed daily, at least.
  • If a mask is not feasible, face shields can be worn. These are available from Facilities.
  • Guests, visitors and contractors are also required to wear masks. 

Chatham will provide all students and employees with masks to supplement any masks they already use. If anyone forgets their mask, or it becomes damaged, they can pick up a replacement at the Office of Student Affairs, too.  

Thanks for doing your part to keep our community safe, and be sure to keep visiting kndq.waki-aiai.net/fall2020 for important information, the latest campus updates and more throughout the semester.  

Dear Students, 

I am looking forward to welcoming you to the Fall 2020 term. We will face a new environment this fall, but one constant is that all students are responsible for upholding the Student Honor Code. 

The Student Honor Code is a set of standards that guides how we live, work, and learn together on Chatham’s campus and beyond. The Honor Code is intended to foster and strengthen a learning, living, and working community that is committed to excellence in all endeavors, honesty, personal integrity and accountability, and respect for the rights, opinions and well-being of others, and whose members are committed to having these and the other Chatham values inform the choices they make. 

The Honor Code Policy on Behavior and Student Conduct has undergone a revision this summer to incorporate student and community feedback, and language has been added related to guidelines enacted due to a health pandemic. Please take a moment to review the Honor Code Policy on Student Behavior and Conduct and the Procedures for Investigating Prohibited Conduct on myChatham.  

Please remember the following key points related to the Student Honor Code:

  1. You can be held accountable for actions that take place on or off campus.
  2. Students are responsible for following all University policies and guidelines, including those on the Fall 2020 website. All guidelines outlined on the website are actionable under the Honor Code.
  3. It is your responsibility to review the Honor Code Policy on Student Behavior and Conduct and the Procedures for Investigating Prohibited Conduct.   

I have recorded a short presentation on the Student Honor Code that is available for all students to access. This presentation is approximately 10 minutes and gives an overview of expectations and how the Honor Code interacts with COVID-19 policies and guidelines. I strongly encourage you review it prior to the start of classes. 

Students, faculty, and staff are able to submit an Honor Code behavior or conduct complaint by connecting with me, emailing HonorCode@waki-aiai.net, or submitting an online form.  Please connect with me if you have questions or concerns. 

Being a Chatham student comes with responsibilities, and I hope you will all take your responsibility to help keep one another safe seriously.   


Heather Black, EdD
Dean of Students

Dear Students,

As part of our efforts to protect against the spread of COVID-19, Chatham has trained a team of staff members to act as contact tracers in the event we have a positive case on campus.  Contact tracing is a process used to contact all individuals who have been within a 6 foot radius for more than 15 minutes of the positive case.  You can learn more about contact tracing on the fall planning website.

In order to contact students quickly and efficiently through contact tracing, we need every student to update their personal information on myPortal by no later than Sunday, August 23rd to make sure their cell phone number is listed in the system. You may update other information, but please leave your address as your permanent residence (do not update to on campus address).

Please review the following information about the process of updating personal information. 

  • Students should login to the Chatham University online Student portal to update personal information. Type http://portal.waki-aiai.net, select the ‘Login’ dropdown and choose the option of ‘Student Portal Homepage’.
  • Put in your username and password and click ‘Sign In’. The same username and password that you use to login to the campus network and for checking email is also your login for myPortal. If you experience problems logging into myPortal please contact the Chatham University Helpdesk at 412-365-1112.
  • Go to My Profile > My Information:
    • Select the edit button on the address screen.
    • Select the address type / contact information you are changing from the upper left dropdown: Mobile Phone
    • Make the appropriate changes and click Save. 

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the attached document. It is imperative that Chatham has the correct phone number for all students in the system to ensure quick and effective contact tracing to keep our community safe. 

Be well,

Heather Black, EdD
Dean of Students

Kailin Nelson 
Contact Tracing Coordinator  

Dear Students,

Chatham is working diligently to open our campus for the Fall 2020 term in a safe and healthy way.  This fall will look different than ever before and it will take all of us – doing our part – to keep our community healthy.  Our efforts include adjusting residence hall occupancy and policies, decreasing classroom sizes to ensure physical distancing, increased cleaning protocols, and community-wide mandates such as requiring a mask. 

As part of these efforts, Chatham is strongly encouraging all students – commuters and residents - to self-isolate at home for 14-days prior to arriving on campus. 

This self-isolation is not a quarantine. Students are asked to limit your exposure to those who do not reside in your home environment. We also ask that you be extra vigilant if having any friends and family good-bye gatherings: such events are now the #1 source of COVID spread in Allegheny County.  

Your at-home self-isolation should begin 14 days prior to the first day you will be physically on one of our campuses. This would begin 14 days prior to your move-in date (residents) or your first on-ground class (commuters). For example, a commuter student who has an in-person class scheduled on Monday, August 24 should begin your at-home self-isolation on Monday, August 10. 

If you need to go out to a store or public area for errands, please engage in the following proactive behaviors: wear a mask, observe physical distancing (6 feet), and regularly wash or sanitize your hands. Please note, this does not apply to students who have already started classes, been living/working on campus this summer, or students who plan to be virtual in the fall. 

We understand the at-home self-isolation may create financial hardship for some of our employed students. If you cannot afford to stop your job two weeks early, we ask that you do all you can to observe all the behaviors that are part of the Cougars Care Commitment when working and avoid any other activities outside your home.  

Chatham is also requiring all community members to complete the Cougars Care Commitment and training to learn more about our community expectations for the fall. Please be sure to complete your pledge by August 7th. We hope you understand that Chatham is doing this and all mitigation efforts to promote a healthy and safe start to the academic year. It will truly take all of us to be able to live, learn, and engage on our campus. 

Be sure to review the email from Academic Affairs sent yesterday regarding the class formats and student class options. More information can be found on the Academic section of the Chatham Fall website. 

Be safe and well.

Heather Black, EdD
Dean of Students 

Dear Students,   

As part of Chatham’s ongoing Fall 2020 planning, Chatham has been working to provide additional virtual and online course options for students (living both on-campus or off) for the fall academic term.   

While it is not possible to offer virtual or online formats for every course at Chatham, numerous changes have been made to provide a variety of courses in the different delivery options for students. These options are available to any student enrolled this fall including those uncomfortable with returning to campus for medical or any personal reason.    

Reviewing & Making Changes to Schedules    

To begin the process, students should first review their Fall 2020 schedule in the Student Portal. On the Portal and Course Schedule, there is information labeled Delivery and Classroom Space, which will identify the format of the class. There are three format options:  

  • Classroom 
  • Online 
  • Virtual (noted as Delivery = Online with the classroom space listed as Virtual)    

Students should review their schedules to understand any changes to the Delivery format of their registered courses. Additional descriptions on the delivery formats are provided below.   

If a student is registered for Classroom-based courses and does not feel comfortable attending class in-person, they should search the Course Schedule for courses listed as an Online or Virtual format. The student can then register for these courses through the Student Portal.    

In addition to Chatham’s courses, undergraduate students can explore additional online course offerings through our participation in OCICU. Students should work with their advisor to determine course equivalencies and substitutions as needed. Students should read all of the information on the OCICU page to understand the requirements of the online, asynchronous learning environment. Most OCICU courses are 3 credits and are 8 weeks in length.   

If a student is unable to determine appropriate online or virtual alternatives for currently scheduled courses, they should complete this request form as soon as possible to work with their advisor, Department Chair or Program Director to adjust their schedule for the fall.   

Students should follow the usual process for changes to their schedule through the Student Portal from now through the add/drop period on September 1, 2020.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: When making any schedule changes, students need to ensure they maintain the appropriate credit load for the fall semester or their financial aid will be impacted. If you have any questions about your credit load and financial aid, please contact the financial aid department at FinancialAid@waki-aiai.net.   

The following is a summary of what students can expect within the different delivery formats:  

Delivery - Classroom  

In this mode, face-to-face instruction occurs in classrooms or labs. Students will be required to attend physical classroom/lab sessions during the semester. These will appear on the schedule with assigned days and times and an assigned room. The Delivery will be Classroom on the schedule.  

Many courses may employ flipped learning strategies. Faculty may choose a “hybrid” form of Classroom Delivery where only portions of the class meet on a given day (for example, Group A on Tuesdays, Group B on Thursdays, or Group A for two weeks in lab, then two weeks online, etc.). Any such arrangements are handled by the faculty and posted on the syllabus in the LMS, but not the course schedule. Supplemental instructional material and activities will be included in the LMS.   

Students should plan to report to class for classroom listings unless instructed by faculty member. Be sure to check email frequently the week before classes.  

Delivery - Virtual 

These classes are delivered on scheduled days and times but instruction is delivered via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or another appropriate synchronous classroom platform. Students and faculty engage in the synchronous classroom remotely, from campus dorms, other campus spaces, or at home. These appear in the schedule as Online Delivery, with indicated days and times, but with the classroom space listed as Virtual. This delivery format may be preferable for many students as opposed to an Online Delivery (below). There may be some variations in required student participation in synchronous classes but minimum requirements will be clearly listed in the syllabus.   

Delivery - Online  

These classes are delivered online, in a traditional asynchronous mode. The Day/Time is listed as TBD and the delivery is Online. There is no requirement for campus attendance (with some exceptions for required residencies in fully online programs). These courses may have some required synchronous participation, but it is limited and accounts for students in varying time zones, etc. Online courses offered by Chatham are generally asynchronous and may be in 7.5-week formats. Be certain to pay close attention to the start and end dates of courses in the course schedule.   

Campus Housing Considerations 

Chatham University will continue to provide on-campus housing accommodations to students who register for 12 credits or more, whether they are held in-person or online. Students who transition to a completely virtual or online class format will have the ability to remain in on-campus housing unless they decide otherwise.   

Any student interested in canceling their housing should complete the Housing Cancellation Request Form before checking into on-campus housing during student move-in.  Your account will be updated and the housing reservation fee will be credited to your fall tuition.  

Medical Academic Accommodations
If you need academic adjustments for the fall due to medically-related issues, complete the alternative academic adjustments form no later than noon on Friday, August 14.  

All requests will be reviewed by a committee coordinated by the Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources (OAAR), and a decision will be communicated to the student via email. Appropriate faculty and administrators will be notified by OAAR of the nature of the approved academic adjustments. All decisions are final. Even with adjustments, not every class may be available via distance learning, and substitutions may be necessary. Adjustments may not be possible in the case of cohort programs.   


A recap of this email and other other important academic information is on our Fall 2020 Website. 

After reviewing this information, if you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact your academic advisor or AcademicAffairs@waki-aiai.net for guidance.  



Dr. Jenna Templeton                                  

Vice President of Academic Affairs                                        


Dr. Lisa Lambert  

Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Learning and Professor of Biology 

Dear Residents, 

As we prepare for your return to campus this Fall, Chatham will be implementing a variety of policies and protocols to promote physical (social) distancing and proactive strategies to support students choosing to live on-campus. While there is no way for any organization, including Chatham, to guarantee that students won’t be exposed to contagious viruses like COVID-19, we are confident that we are taking the best steps to mitigate risks within our residential communities.

We’ve identified several new policies and changes that are now outlined in the Residence Life Terms and Conditions. We believe residents should review prior to returning to Chatham University for the Fall 2020 term and we will be having residents sign the document during the check-in process. Please know that these may shift as the summer and fall progress, but we affirm it is important that residents know what to expect as they move onto campus. 

  • Adhere to all move-in policies and restrictions, which includes only bringing one (1) vehicle and two (2) individuals to assist with the move-in process. New and transfer students were emailed their assigned move-in date and time slot by mid-July. Returning students were emailed to sign-up for a move-in date and time slot.
  • Guest privileges are suspended until further notice. Resident students are not permitted to host off-campus guests (including family and friends) in their room, apartment, or building. Additionally, resident students can only visit other residents live within the same building or tower. Example: A resident that lives on Fickes 1st Floor cannot have a guest from Dilworth. However, they can host a resident from Fickes 2nd Floor.
  • Upper Campus Residence Halls have new communal bathroom occupancy limits. These occupancy limits are clearly posted on each bathroom door and residents are expected to adhere to the occupancy limits established to the best of their ability.
  • Lounges and community spaces in the residence halls and Chatham Apartments may be closed or have occupancy restrictions imposed. Residents must adhere to lounge/community spaces closures and any posted occupancy restrictions at all times.
  • Adhere to occupancy restrictions for residence hall rooms and apartments, as indicated in the Terms and Conditions of Residency Addendum 2020-2021. Residents are limited to the number of residents/students who can be in a room and are only permitted to have visitors who reside in the same building or tower.
  • Face masks must be worn in all public spaces. This includes residence hall and apartment stairwells, hallways, laundry rooms, community kitchens, lounges/community spaces, and communal bathrooms. Masks must be worn outside when 6 feet of physical distancing cannot be maintained. Masks will not be required when you are inside your residence hall room or apartment.
  • Submit to daily health screenings at designated locations on-campus and follow any guidance or instructions they receive due to these screenings. Daily health screens include temperature and symptoms check.
  • Complete a Resident Safety Plan Form by July 31, 2020 that outlines individual plans in the event of contact with, or exposure to, COVID-19. The safety plan requires residents to determine an emergency relocation plan if they are required to move off-campus due to the closure of campus housing. Students who don’t have a safety plan will not be permitted to move-in.
  • Attend your residence hall opening meeting to participate and complete COVID-19 safety training and any additional trainings or meetings that are announced.
  • Complete the Cougars Care Commitment by Friday, August 7, to acknowledge your understanding of university policies and procedures. Students should refer to the email they received on Wednesday, July 22, for more information about the Cougars Care initiate.
  • Adhere to all signage posted regarding COVID-19 mitigation and social distancing requirements and recommendations.
  • Quarantine and complete COVID-19 testing if you are exposed to COVID-19 while residing in on-campus housing. Any resident notified must self-isolate/quarantine and are required to comply with all instructions provided by the University.
  • Self-isolate in either your room or in an assigned location, as instructed by Health Services or Residence Life, and follow all instructions provided.
  • Comply and adhere to the Terms and Conditions of Residency Addendum 2020-2021 and all other Chatham University policies. Residents found in violation of any Chatham University policies will be subject to disciplinary action.  

Throughout this coming year, you may be asked to self-isolate or quarantine for a variety of reasons, including suspected exposure. By moving on-campus, you agree to follow all policies and instructions provided by Chatham University to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19. Chatham is committed to accommodate you through classes and may request you move to a different space should the need to self-isolate occur. Our policies for self-isolation will be uploaded by July 31, 2020 and students will be emailed so they can review these documents. We encourage every resident to review them to fully understand the commitment to living on-campus.

We will continue to communicate with you throughout the summer to provide updates and welcome you to campus in August! Please visit kndq.waki-aiai.net/fall2020 to learn more about our reopening plans and consider attending and registering for the Residence Life & Living on Campus Webinar being held on Wednesday, July 29th, at noon. If you have any questions, please email reslife@waki-aiai.net. 


Shawn A. McQuillan
Director of Residence Life        

Our entire Chatham community must come together in Fall 2020 to uplift and protect each other.  Cougars Care is an initiative to provide support, resources, videos, and training for our ongoing collective effort towards a safe and successful Fall term.  It will take all of us, caring for one another and doing our part, to keep our community healthy.

We are asking every community members – student, faculty, and staff – to take a moment to review the video and Training Presentation available on the Cougars Care website. The training is a self-paced power point where you will learn about Chatham efforts and community expectations.  Following the completion of the website, all community members should complete the Cougars Care Commitment to acknowledge your understanding and commitment to help keep our community safe by Friday, August 7th.  Please use the individual link below to complete your commitment.

We appreciate your continued commitment and patience as we navigate and plan for Fall 2020. Please visit the Fall 2020 Campus Plan website to learn more and submit your questions and feedback.


Employee & Student Health Working Group

Follow this link to the Cougars Care Commitment :
Take the Survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

Dear Students,

Like so many of us this summer, I often begin my day with a sense of uncertainty and apprehension as I await the latest news and updates on the Coronavirus pandemic locally and around the world. While it is disheartening to see the sharp rise in cases nationally and continued loss of life, there are also signs of progress and optimism on the horizon, including:

Treatments for those who require hospitalization have improved greatly; vaccine trials are proceeding with encouraging early and rapid results (Note: UPMC is seeking to recruit 750 people in the Pittsburgh area to take part in a Phase III vaccine trial if you are interested); thankfully, cases continue to be mild for the vast majority of those infected, particularly those under 25; physical distancing, daily monitoring, and masks are proving effective at reducing the spread; and Allegheny County has made smart and targeted enforcement efforts to reduce the factors—bars, travel to hot spots, and not wearing a mask—that contact tracing showed were causing recent case spikes locally (helping us so far avoid the fate of hot spots in other parts of the country).

International Student Update
I was also very pleased at this week’s announcement by the Department of Homeland Security to reverse the new rules it had issued which would have meant all international students needed to leave the U.S. if we are forced to return to virtual instruction this Fall due to the pandemic.  Like many colleges and universities across the U.S., Chatham joined the Amicus Brief filed by Harvard and MIT that led to this change in policy and will permit international students, as occurred this Spring, to remain on campus if we do need to change our mode of course delivery.

Planning & Website Update
While I am pleased to see these positive developments, we must also continue to be fully aware of the challenges ahead of us as we proceed with our plans for the return to campus this fall. Plans that are being guided by our goals to:

  • protect community health;
  • provide a quality academic and personalized education experience; and
  • prepare our community to adapt and change based on the results of things within (and out of) our control. 

With this in mind, we have made a major update to our Fall 2020 Planning Site at kndq.waki-aiai.net/fall2020. The updates are in response to questions and feedback we’ve received since our initial planning document was shared last month and the ongoing planning by the Working Groups.

You will find more detail on “What to Expect on Campus” by topic, including the latest information on health and safety protocols, testing and contact tracing, move-in and orientation, and more. You will also find information on our Cougars Care Program, and the Cougars Care Commitment we are asking everyone to make in order to help protect the health of our community. Please visit the site to review.

Upcoming Informational Webinars
The site also provides information and registration for upcoming Fall 2020 Informational Webinars for Students and Families on a variety of topics. The webinars kick-off with a Fall Return-to-Campus Overview Update that I will present on Friday, July 24th at Noon. Please visit the site to view and register for the upcoming webinars. Be sure to check back as more are added over the coming weeks, and don’t hesitate to submit additional questions you may have.

Lastly, I continue to participate in regular calls with the other Pittsburgh University Presidents, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Association for Independent College and Universities of Pennsylvania, the City of Pittsburgh, and the Allegheny County Health Department. I greatly value these discussions as they help guide and inform our efforts at Chatham, and for how they showcase the spirit of collaboration and helpfulness present across our region.

These discussions (and the planning work we are doing on campus) also remind me that what we are planning for this fall will not always be easy, that it will definitely be different, and that our ability to succeed will depend on doing it together. 

I hope you are having as good a summer as possible during this pandemic, and I look forward to speaking with you on Friday, the 24th.



Chatham alumna Rachel Carson ’29 showed wisdom and foresight in raising our understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things on our planet, as displayed most acutely today with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The popular rallying cry during these times—“We’re all in this together”—underscores Carson’s thesis. 

If anyone still doubts that “we’re all in this together,” who among us has not been impacted by the coronavirus? Who among us does not know of someone who contracted the coronavirus or lost their job, either permanently or temporarily? Who among us doesn’t know what it’s like to not be able to do things we once took for granted? 

In the wake of the pandemic, I believe even more strongly that “we are all in this together.” I also believe more strongly than ever in the vital importance of the following:

  • Chatham’s Mission, with its focus on building a healthy planet and healthy people, and its commitment to preparing leaders who will solve the big problems and challenges of today and tomorrow (and a pandemic certainly qualifies as one);
  • Chatham’s work in our surrounding communities and the continued importance—indeed, urgency—of helping improve the quality of life in them, and
  • The value of being physically present on campus.

Although Chatham’s campuses are second to none in beauty and uniqueness, my yearning to be back on campus is not simply a case of absence making the heart grow fonder. Great value comes from being physically on campus—interacting and exchanging ideas with other people in the classroom, residence hall, dining hall, and athletic field; bouncing ideas off other people in the lab or in the library; or just hanging out on the quad with friends on a beautiful spring afternoon. These experiences are what most of us remember most fondly from our experiences as undergraduate or graduate students—even more than brick and mortar and idyllic campus settings. And for good reason: these are some of the time-tested ways that students learn and grow intellectually and personally. 

We’ve also learned a great deal more about COVID-19 since we were required to shut down our campuses in March. We now know that the data is showing that the coronavirus poses lower risk to individuals 25 and under, but that we all need to do our part to help protect those most at risk (the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, preexisting conditions or respiratory issues). And importantly, we’ve also learned much more about effective mitigation strategies that all of us can use to help reduce the spread of the virus. 

All of these factors are why Chatham is committed to joining the vast majority of our national and local peers who are planning to reopen their campuses in the Fall, now that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and our local governmental authorities have given us all the “green light” and guidance on how to reopen. That said, our return to campus is directed by our ability to mitigate risk to the extent humanly possible to ensure the health and safety of the entire Chatham community—students, faculty, staff and visitors.

The purpose of this "Planning for Reopening Chatham" document and website is to describe our strategies for being back on campus, safely. It is not a task for anyone of us to shoulder alone, but each of us—student, faculty member, administrator and staff member—will need to do our part if it is to succeed. After all, we are all in this together. 

I look forward to welcoming you all back to campus in the fall. Until then, wishing you and your families the very best for the summer.

David Finegold


Dear Faculty & Staff,

With Allegheny County set to move on Friday, June 5th to the Green Phase in the Governor’s Reopening Plan, I’m writing to share what this means for campus operations over the coming weeks and summer months.

First, I’m pleased that we have been able to successfully and safely provide limited on-campus operations since March in facilities & housekeeping, residence life, the dining halls, IT and other critical departments while supporting those students still living on campus. At the same time, we have expanded our efforts during the Yellow Phase of the reopening with additional facilities and housekeeping staff returning to work while continuing to follow CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health (PDH) Guidelines. Examples of safety measures we have already implemented include: temperature screenings, physical (i.e., social) distancing, staggered shifts and mask requirements for all employees.

As we now prepare to shift to the Green Phase and insure we comply with the newly released Pennsylvania Dept. of Education guidelines for the reopening of Post-Secondary Institutions, our goal is to build on the methods and success of the past few months while introducing any changes gradually on campus in order to monitor and adjust, and keep the safety of our employees and students front and center.

Our plans for the Green Phase on-campus are currently as follows: 

  • Those already reporting to campus will continue to do so.
  • We will begin a phased reintroduction of other departments and some employees beginning June 15 through July 30 who require (or will greatly benefit from) a return to campus. The plan is as follows: 
    • Week of June 15:
      • Faculty & students in health science summer courses (at Eastside)
      • Faculty and student research assistants (for research and/or work in labs)
    • Weeks of June 29 and July 6:
      • The Office of Admissions, preparing for campus visits to resume July 6
      • Athletic Fitness Center (reduced occupancy)
    • The Month of July:
      • Other campus offices (for office and fall preparation)
    • During the phased return to campus as outlined above, we are asking departments to continue utilizing a blend of teleworking for most employees and (where necessary) have limited on-campus employee presence in order to keep campus activity low and allow effective monitoring.
      • Academic Departments that need access to facilities for lab and classroom preparation should provide their specific requests to their Dean by June 9
      • The Vice-Presidents or Deans will develop the plan and timing for each department by June 12  
    • All employees and students reporting to campus will be required to receive daily temperature checks, engage in physical distancing, wear masks and follow other Chatham, CDC and PDH guidelines.
      • Further instructions on these requirements will be shared by June 12. 

Throughout the weeks ahead, we will proceed cautiously forward with our plans while monitoring, adjusting where needed and sharing updates with everyone on our efforts. 

In addition to the Green Phase plan outlined here, the initial Fall 2020 Operating Plan developed from the ongoing efforts of the Working Groups is being shared with the Board of Trustees this week. Following the Board’s feedback, the Plan will be shared with the campus community the Week of June 8 for review and feedback.



Dear Staff, Faculty and Students,

 I hope that you and your family continue stay healthy and well as we navigate the ongoing and evolving efforts that our county, state, nation and world are deploying to confront the COVID pandemic. I am pleased to see the curve flattening in many areas and the progress that is being made in our understanding of (and treatments for) this disease, while always keeping in my thoughts those who have lost their lives to the virus.

As Allegheny County prepares to move to the Yellow Phase of Pennsylvania’s Coronavirus reopening plan on May 15, I wanted to take a moment to share what this means to our campus operations. The Yellow Phase begins to lift some restrictions on retail stores, restaurants, and childcare facilities, but still recommends teleworking continue for jobs where it is feasible and keeps colleges closed to in-person instruction.

Given this directive, Chatham will continue with our virtual learning format and predominantly remote work for the time being. Employees who are able to do their jobs remotely should continue working from home. Some additional employees in facilities, grounds and housekeeping will begin to return to campus on Monday for summer maintenance. They will join those employees who have been reporting to campus over the past few weeks to provide critical in-person support to operations and residential students. All county and state health guidelines for the workplace will continue to be followed.  In keeping with this approach, our Board meeting on June 4-5 will be entirely virtual. 

Chatham is also preparing for how faculty will be able to return to labs for research later this month. Additional details will be shared on the protocols and process for this the week of May 25th

As we look ahead to our return this fall, the 13 planning task forces are hard at work preparing their recommendations for operating campus under enhanced social distancing guidelines (and fall back plans for what will happen in case government directives make that not possible). We are planning to share their work and plans in early June through a website, other resources and a virtual campus update. Please know that whenever we begin our return to campus, we will do so in a phased approach with enough time, direction and support to ensure the safety of our community.

I continue to speak regularly with the other Pittsburgh university presidents, our professional organizations and the Pennsylvania Department of Education about the issues and considerations we collectively face now and over the coming months. This collaboration helps support the work of our task forces and has reinforced for me once again the unique commitment to shared problem-solving that is a hallmark of the Pittsburgh region.

I wish you all continued good health and look forward to safely coming together again while embracing and practicing social distancing and other shared efforts to protect all of us—and especially the most vulnerable—in our community.



Dear Students:

With the spring term now behind us, I hope that you and your family continue to stay safe and healthy over what will be a very different summer than any of us imagined a few short months ago. 

As we look ahead to the fall semester here at Chatham, we must face the reality that the Coronavirus (and increased social distancing measures) will be with us for many months to come, and that preparing for what this means for in-person education in the fall and beyond is the critical task ahead.  

At Chatham, the educational experience has always been about coming together to embrace discussion and debate, to participate in hands-on learning, and to have our world views expanded by encounters, both planned and chance. And, because being together is core to who we are as a community, we are currently envisioning how the campus will operate in the fall under enhanced social distancing guidelines to keep our community safe. 

A series of task forces are working diligently to plan for the possibilities and contingencies of what a return to campus will look like, examining all aspects of the Chatham experience—from academics to athletics, to housing and dining and campus events. While it is our firm intention to be together on campus this fall, we are also developing plans in case government health directives do not allow us to fully return to campus. 

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Stay-at-Home order is beginning to lift across the state, and we look forward to receiving additional guidance from state and county officials over the coming weeks. Our task forces will then finalize their work, and in early June, we will share our plans for how the campus will operate in the fall. 

In our over 150 years of history, Chatham has faced numerous challenges, and always emerged stronger. We expect that this unprecedented time will be no different, and we thank you for your patience and faith. 

I am so very proud of the Chatham community and how everyone has risen to the challenges we’ve faced with COVID-19, and I continue to look forward to brighter, healthier days ahead for us all. 


David Finegold

Dear Chatham Students,

After an academic review of summer courses, and to comply with Governor Wolf’s stay-at-home order (in effect through April 30, 2020), Chatham will be adjusting the course schedule for classes running between April 27 and June 16 (regardless of term length). All previously scheduled online courses which have sufficient students enrolled, will run as normal.

For summer terms and classes running after June 16, a decision on course offerings and delivery format will be made by May 15 based on government and public health directives in place at that time. 

To review Summer 2020 academic dates, please visit the Academic Calendar on our website. To review scheduled summer classes and/or to register, please visit the Schedule of Courses on my.chatham. The summer schedule will be undergoing updates over the next 10 days to reflect new and revised offerings. 

If you have questions about specific summer classes, please contact your faculty advisor. If you have general questions about summer courses or other academic considerations, please e-mail AcademicAffairs@waki-aiai.net 

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we navigate the academic challenges and disruptions caused by this global pandemic together, and best of luck to you over the coming final weeks of this (virtual) semester. 

Stay distant, stay safe, and stay healthy.  


Jenna Templeton 
Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Dear Chatham Students, 

With Chatham’s move to virtual learning for the final weeks of this semester, we have entered into a new way of engaging with each other to help you realize your academic goals. We continue to be focused on the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff as we navigate this situation together. I know this is a challenging and uncertain time for all of us, but we are Chatham, and we will work together to meet these challenges. 

Below are some important academic updates—including information on new pass/fail options for this semester—that I want to share with you. Please read this message in its entirety.  

Your professors are communicating with you about course information, the methods they are using to teach, expectations about how you should engage with the course, and other details about assignments and due dates. Keep in mind that your instructors may have to alter the course assignments and schedules to accommodate our virtual teaching environment. We all need to be flexible with each other as we navigate this new environment.

As always, your primary form of electronic communication should be your Chatham University email or through the Moodle classroom. The Chatham IT team can help with technology-related questions or challenges you may have. Please visit the ITS Student Resource Page for a complete list of resources and assistance.

Grading Policies
Recognizing that the uncertainty of this unprecedented situation can be a source of significant anxiety, and to help decrease stress and facilitate your continued academic success, the University is adopting a significant level of flexibility in course grading for this semester as detailed below. 

Graduate Course Grading
Graduate courses will continue with their current grading systems (either pass/fail or grading scale). However, Chatham recognizes that there may be individual extenuating or exceptional circumstances that arise. Students should work with their course instructor, academic advisor, and/or program director to address any individual concerns regarding courses and grading.

Undergraduate Course Grading (Pass/Fail Option)
After the conclusion of this term, undergraduate students will be permitted for a limited period of time to convert any of their courses during this Spring 2020 term only from a letter grade basis to a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis. Courses that are awarded P grades will count toward graduation/degree requirements, will satisfy future course prerequisites, and will not impact a student's GPA. This exception only applies to courses currently in progress and not courses for which a final grade has already been recorded for Spring 2020. 

By allowing this change to be made after grades have been assigned, we are enabling students to consider all of their options and have time to contact academic advisors to fully discuss the potential impact of their decisions, including effects on specialized program accreditation, external scholarship eligibility, impact on future educational pursuits (e.g., graduate school, medical school, residency applications), etc. Additional guidance to help you, your faculty, and advisors with this process and decision will be forthcoming.

Incomplete Grades
While maintaining instructional continuity is important to your continued academic success, we understand that this challenging situation may pose unforeseen obstacles for students. If completion of a course or courses is temporarily insurmountable for a student, faculty will discuss incomplete (I) grades and completion dates. In those cases, Chatham will do what is necessary to ensure that subsequent completion of those I grades does not result in additional tuition charges for affected students. In addition, and as needed, flexibility will be granted with respect to the disposition of the I grade.

Summer Courses
Online programs and courses will proceed as scheduled. We know you are curious about summer face-to-face courses and we plan to update everyone in the next few weeks as we continue to monitor the situation. 

I thank each of you for your flexibility as we navigate through these days of social distancing and remote learning and operations. We are committed to your success and well-being, and are ever hopeful that continued observance of public health guidelines will allow us to return to campus in the near future. I am confident that this experience will make our strong Chatham community even stronger. 


Dr. Templeton, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dear Members of the Chatham Community:

This morning I participated in a phone call with the Presidents from the Pittsburgh-area Universities and the Deputy Secretary of Postsecondary and Higher Education, Noe Ortega. The call was to provide clarification concerning Governor Wolf’s order late yesterday calling for the closure of all businesses that are not “life sustaining” as defined in the order. 

All of us expressed our firm belief that Universities are critical to the housing, feeding and safety and well-being of our students still on-campus, and to ensuring the continuity of learning for all our students in remote formats. The administration agrees and the Deputy Secretary provided clarification. 

Please read the important details we are implementing in response to the Governor’s order: 

Essential On-Campus Services
We will continue to provide essential on-campus employee services that support the housing and dining of remaining on-campus students; the safety and operation of our campus buildings; and the infrastructure to ensure continued remote learning. 

This currently includes the following areas only: on-call residence life, dining services, public safety, the post office, building facilities, housekeeping and information technology. 

Managers will provide guidance and direction to all employees in these areas. If additional guidelines are issued, this direction may modify again. 

Faculty or staff who need to come into campus to pick up materials vital to continuing operations can do so at this time. This may change if new guidelines are issued.   

All other departments, employees and students who are able to work and learn remotely off-campus should continue to do this. 

We are continuing to help our students move out of the Residence Halls through tomorrow’s deadline. We are also ready to house and support any student who is not able to move out based on the exceptions we identified earlier. Everyone will be located in private or semi-private housing that we have available at Shadyside and Eden Hall Campuses. 

Dining Changes
Anderson Dining and Eden Hall Dining will provide take-out food only effective Friday, March 20 under modified hours. There will be no in-person dining. Eastside Café and Café Rachel are closed. Groceries and sundries will be available for purchase at Anderson for residents who were unable to leave campus. Additional details will be sent to residents on this service and updated hours. 

Chatham shuttles will suspend operations after Friday, March 20. 

Campus Buildings
The majority of campus buildings will be closed and locked for key or keycard access only beginning Sunday, March 21. The Shadyside Helpdesk, Post Office and 24/7 library lab space will remain open at this time under social distancing regulations (i.e., limited number of people,  6 feet apart, etc.). This may change at a later date if new governmental guidelines are implemented. 

I want to reinforce that this is a public health emergency of the highest order. The best defense we have as individuals—and as a community—right now is to follow the social distancing guidelines that have been issued. The choices we make today to adopt this behavior will help protect the health and safety of our families, communities and our health care providers. 

This has been a time of rapid change, transition and uncertainty for us all. I want to thank you again for your resiliency, patience and willingness to support each other during these times. We are uncertain what the future may hold in terms of additional social distancing and governmental orders, so I ask for everyone to please continue to be ready for these measures, and to take care of yourself, your family and each other as we navigate this together. Let’s also not lose sight of keeping those directly affected by this virus in mind at all times in the days ahead. 

History has shown us that there will be a day when this is behind us and we cannot lose hope or sight of that day. Stay home, stay safe and take care of each other. 



~ Please continue to visit kndq.waki-aiai.net/coronavirus for the latest updates, copies of campus communications such as these, frequently asked questions and to submit any questions you may have.

Dear Students,

It is with much sadness that I write to tell you that Chatham has made the difficult decision to postpone our Spring 2020 Commencement and related activities as part of our efforts to help curb the potential spread of COVID-19.

Though we make this decision along with many other universities and under the recommendations of government and public health officials, we fully acknowledge and share in the disappointment that comes with it. The Commencement ceremony is an important tradition for us all—from the students who walk the stage, to the faculty who helped them achieve their goals, to the friends and family cheering them on—and we will sincerely miss seeing our graduates walk across the stage this spring.

Our goal moving forward is to create as many opportunities as possible for our graduates to celebrate this occasion and accomplishment. We will finalize and share details, dates and more as they take shape around the following: 

  • An August Commencement ceremony and related activities
  • Inviting Spring 2020 graduates who cannot attend in August to participate in the Spring 2021 Commencement ceremony and activities
  • Digital/virtual recognition and celebration opportunities for graduates in April & May

The Office of Academic Affairs will provide additional updates via email announcements and the Commencement website as we work on the dates and details over the coming months. In the meantime, if you have questions about anything related to Commencement, please email Academic Affairs.

We continue to be inspired by our students’ resiliency and kindness during this unprecedented time. We're so proud of all you have accomplished and look forward to celebrating with you and your families as soon as we are able.


David Finegold

Dear Residents,

Chatham continues to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 and remains in close contact with local health officials and neighboring colleges and universities. The health situation is changing daily as testing increases and more cases are identified locally in Allegheny County and around the country. At the same time, an increasing number of social distancing recommendations and requirements are being implemented by governments and organizations around the country. 

Given this rapidly evolving situation, Chatham is requesting that all remaining resident students who can return home, do so by Saturday, March 21. We feel this is the best decision to support the health of our students and others as this public health emergency continues to unfold each day. Residence Life will be following up with directions and details on how to check out properly later this evening. 

Housing Exceptions
We know that for a variety of reasons, some students cannot return home. Students that have extenuating circumstances and may not be able to leave immediately, if at all, should complete the Spring 2020 Resident Exemption Form no later than Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

The following criteria will be considered for students permitted to remain living on campus at this time:

  1. Out-of-State student who may need more time to get home and/or needs to remain on campus until the end of term,
  2. A student who faces housing insecurity,
  3. A student who lives with someone in an at-risk population for COVID-19 and does not wish to risk exposing that member of their household,
  4. Students who need housing for student teaching or internships
  5. International students (Note: we plan to offer international students who are planning to return next year the option to stay on campus over the summer at our reduced summer rates).

Please note, those who are approved to remain on campus will be notified by 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 19, and the following will apply:

  1. You are likely to be required to relocate to an apartment on lower campus within the next 2 weeks (because each unit has its own bathroom, these will offer the best chance to contain any spread of the virus).
  2. No outside guests are allowed in the apartments/residence halls until further notice.
  3. Dining and other campus facilities and services may operate on a limited schedule.

Room & Board Credits & Refunds

In addition, Chatham is finalizing the details and will pro-rate student housing and meal plans for any student who decides to move home based on the date a resident completes the check-out process. This includes those who already moved out following the initial transition to virtual learning.

The exact amount a resident is pro-rated varies individually based on the date they check-out of housing and upon the student’s specific situation with respect to Federal aid since some refund may be refunded directly to Federal agencies. Additionally, for meal plans several factors are utilized to determine the meal plan pro-rate amount, which not only include the resident’s check-out date, but also how much flex they have utilized this term and the meal plan they selected.

Residents who check-out of housing will have their housing and meal plans pro-rated and handled based on the following criteria:

Returning Students
Any student who is not graduating at the end of this term will have the pro-rated amount for housing and meal plan applied to the Fall 2020 semester. 

Graduating Students or Students Not Returning for Fall 2020
Any student who is graduating, transferring, or withdrawing, and therefore, not returning to Chatham in the Fall 2020 term, will have the pro-rated amount refunded to them unless they have an outstanding balance on their student account. Refunds will be calculated and issued in accordance with Federal Financial Aid regulations, as appropriate. 

The pro-rated amount cannot be determined until a resident student has checked-out of housing. Additionally, only students who elect to return home and check-out of housing are eligible to have their meal plan and housing pro-rated if they complete the move-out process by March 21, 2020 (unless approved for an extension).

As a reminder, only students who are requesting an exception to remain in campus housing should complete the Resident Exemption Form. All other residents should plan to move out no later than Saturday, March 21, 2020. Residence Life will be following up with directions on how to check out properly later this evening.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we continue to navigate this unprecedented situation. Chatham will continue to share updates as new or clarifying information emerges.


Shawn A. McQuillan, Director of Residence Life
Heather Black, Dean of Students

Dear Chatham Community,

These are historic times for Chatham, our country and the world. The situation is rapidly changing from day-to-day and all of us are having to adapt to new ways of living and working in order to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the patience and resilience you are all showing in the face of these challenges. When we started the year, none of us could have ever imagined the National Emergency we’re now confronting.  Speaking on behalf of all the faculty and staff, I want to assure the students that we will work as hard and as imaginatively as possible to deliver a different, but still distinctly Chatham, experience for you through the rest of the academic year.    

Since my last communication to you earlier this week, I need to provide additional updates on important items that have been decided during the first days of our transition period:

  • After discussions among the Deans, Program Directors and Department Chairs concerning the status of in-person labs and other hands-on classes, Chatham has made the decision to transition these classes into a virtual format given how quickly the health situation continues to change. This decision covers science and health science labs, problem-based learning classes and creative studio classes. These in-person classes are cancelled March 16-20 and will resume in their new virtual format on Monday, March 23. UPDATE: This now also includes Pathways-to-Nursing students at UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing.  
  • We are continuing to monitor student internships and hear from various internship sites and students completing their internship. All students are encouraged to continue their internship if the site still allows them to attend in-person or offers remote work opportunities. If the internship site closes or does not accommodate remote internships, alternative arrangements will be discussed with each student later this month. No student will be penalized for this due to this very unique situation.
  • Chatham’s Residence Halls and Dining Services are still open at this time for those students who wish to stay on-campus based on their particular situation or preference. For those who wish to move out now or at a future date, please complete the housing intent form. The Office Residence Life will be open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday to accommodate move-outs. In addition, Chatham continues to review our policies and procedures concerning Room & Board refunds or credits to apply to a future year, taking into account the complex process of reconciling this with each student’s aid package. We will issue an update to residents by close of business on Monday, March 16.

Continue to visit our informational website at kndq.waki-aiai.net/coronavirus for the latest updates, frequently asked questions and to submit a question.

We remain grateful that there are no reported cases of COVID-19 at Chatham, and will do all we can to continue to protect the members of the Chatham community.

Take care and have a good weekend, 

David Finegold

Dear Faculty, Students & Staff,

Chatham continues to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 and remains in close contact with local officials and other local Universities. While there is still no presumptive positive case in Allegheny County, many colleges around the country are beginning to implement more preventive social distancing measures with an emphasis on reducing the number of settings with larger groups of people on campus.

With this guidance in mind and following the decision of the University of Pittsburgh and other Universities, Chatham will transition all face-to-face classes to virtual instruction formats for all on-campus classes with the exception of laboratory, PBL and field experience sessions for the remainder of the spring semester. To provide time for the Schools, Deans and faculty to complete this transition, the University will suspend all classes Thursday, March 12 through Monday, March 16.  Classes will resume in the new virtual learning protocol on Tuesday, March 17. Existing online classes will operate as normal. 

Students involved in clinical placements, internships and experiential outplacements will continue at this time and should follow the protocols of the facility and their Program Director. Students and faculty are encouraged to do what is best for their personal circumstances as we transition to this new form of instruction delivery.

Effective immediately, the University is also implementing the following actions:

  • The cancellation of all campus events larger than 20 people until Friday, April 17, 2020.
  • Asking all departments and campus groups to suspend on-campus meetings for groups larger than 20 or more participants and/or shift to a virtual meeting whenever possible.
  • All University-sponsored and funded international travel and domestic airline travel for staff, faculty and students is suspended until April 17, 2020. Limited exceptions for essential travel may be granted by a departmental Vice-President. 
  • The cancellation of the Chatham Abroad summer trips to Greece and Costa Rica.
  • Outdoor athletic events and travel to away games will continue unless guidance from the PAC, the NCAA or the individual school changes this.
  • Residence halls (both upper and lower campus) and dining services will remain open for students to continue to stay and live on campus during this period.

The University will remain open, including academic resources such as the library and study spaces, student and academic support services, classroom and office buildings, and athletic and recreation facilities.

Social distancing and the continuation of enhanced preventative public health and hygiene measures we are already pursuing will be continued. Additional details specific for staff, faculty and students will be sent out in separate communications. 

These are difficult and unprecedented decisions for Chatham. They are decisions that are guided by the latest recommended preventive health measures and will help us do our part to proactively reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the area, protect the health and safety of our community, and ensure the highest academic integrity and continuity possible. 

I ask for everyone’s patience, understanding, flexibility and continued willingness to look out for each other and the most at-risk among us as Chatham and the country navigate the coming days and weeks ahead.

Sincerely yours,
