2021 Communications

This page contains important messages that were sent to the Chatham community regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Communications to Campus

Select from the dropdowns below to review various campus communications. 

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty,

Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard was updated today with data through Monday, 12.20.

From 8.1 to 12.20, Chatham has had 61 positive cases compared to 102 at the same time last year. As we end the fall semester, the data unequivocally shows that our high vaccination rate and mitigation measures have greatly reduced the number of COVID cases (which thankfully continue to be mild) on our campus this year.

Despite these positive trends on campus, we also are seeing a large increase in local and regional cases as winter and the emerging Omicron variant take hold. In response to these trends, Chatham is announcing several proactive mitigation measures to help with a safe return to campus this spring semester.

Please read the following important updates on these new measures guiding our return to campus after the first of the year.

Virtual Classes for the First Week
To provide time for expanded entry testing and to limit campus movement and potential exposure as we come back together, most classes will be held virtually from the start of classes on Wednesday, January 5 through Friday, January 7. The exception to this will be some graduate health science classes that will be held in person. Keep an eye out via email for additional information from your professors on the plan for your individual classes during this period.

If entry testing results and/or case counts show high spread when we return to campus, we may extend this virtual delivery format for the second week of classes. 

Entry-Testing Requirement
Due to the Omicron variant and in conjunction with Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), Chatham will now require entry testing for all students (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) living on campus, attending in-person classes and/or participating in campus activities. This is in addition to the previously announced entry testing for all unvaccinated employees and any employee or student traveling internationally over the holiday break. 

To satisfy the spring entry testing requirement, students should receive and submit proof of a negative COVID test 48 hours before moving back to campus (for on-campus residents) or attending your first class (for off-campus residents). You can submit a copy of your negative COVID test on this Off-Campus Testing Form. Please note: A test from an authorized testing provider or at-home test (e.g., BinaxNOW) will be accepted. 

If you cannot find or arrange a test prior to coming to campus, then you must schedule entry testing for the week of January 3rd with Student Health Services or a local testing provider. Limited testing appointments will be available in Student Health Services or via the ACHD Curative Mobile Testing Van. To register for a Curative van appointment on the 4th or 5th, please visit: http://curative.com/sites/22621. 

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days, you do not need to receive Entry Testing. A copy of the positive test must be on file with Student Health Services.

Booster Clinic and Booster Records in Med+Proctor
One of the best ways to protect yourself this winter is to receive a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster shot. We are asking all community members who have received a Booster shot to upload their records to Med+Proctor by January 31st to help us better understand vaccination rates and expanded Booster protection within our community.

If you have not yet received a Booster shot and would like to receive one, Chatham will hold another Booster Clinic on Monday, January 10 from 1 to 3 pm in the Mellon Board Room. Visit this UPMC COVID-19 Booster Appointment Form to schedule your booster shot for January 10th

As always, please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information. Please note: Student Health Services will be closed beginning December 24th and will reopen on January 3rd.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and for helping us safely come together for another semester here on campus.

Please have a safe (and healthy) holiday break, and we will see you in 2022!


Student Health Services
The Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Academic Affairs
University Marketing & Communications 

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

As we close out fall semester today with Commencement and look ahead to spring, I am writing with several important updates on spring testing plans, vaccine requirements and health tips for the holiday season. Please read this message in its entirety. 

Spring Entry Testing  
In alignment with the CDC, Chatham will require spring term entry testing for unvaccinated students and employees, plus any student or employee (vaccinated or unvaccinated) traveling internationally, before coming to campus on January 3. Please contact Student Health Services to discuss and schedule your spring entry testing prior to coming to campus or on January 3. 

We are also in ongoing discussions with the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) who are monitoring case trends in the region. Depending on case trends over the next three weeks, ACHD may have additional testing requirements and/or make testing resources available to the local colleges in January for expanded entry or sample testing of both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. If so, we will communicate the details later this month and in January. 

Spring Testing Changes for Unvaccinated Individuals
Throughout the spring term, Chatham will continue to offer symptomatic, close contact, athletic team, and group sample (when needed) testing through Student Health Services. In addition, Chatham will once again require weekly testing for unvaccinated employees and students.

Throughout the fall semester, Chatham has provided unvaccinated sample testing free of charge. However, beginning May 1st, Chatham will stop providing free unvaccinated sample testing and unvaccinated community members will be responsible for paying for their own sample tests through Student Health Services (unless national or local testing shortages impact our testing supplies) or through an off-campus provider. If testing shortages occur, this deadline may need to move up. 

We are providing as much notice as possible about this change to the unvaccinated testing policy so that impacted individuals can plan and prepare accordingly. More details on the logistics will be shared in the spring semester. 

Boosters & Vaccine Requirements
Several colleges are starting to require COVID-19 Boosters as part of their COVID-19 vaccine requirement. At this time, Chatham is fully aligned with the CDC and federal definitions that consider someone fully vaccinated—and thus in compliance with our campus vaccine requirement—if they have received a 2-dose mRNA or 1-dose J&J vaccine. 

Boosters are highly recommended by the CDC (and Chatham) for anyone over the age of 18, but are not currently required to be considered fully vaccinated. If this federal health guidance changes, Chatham will update our policy accordingly. 

We are still determining our final vaccine requirements for next fall, but we highly anticipate that we will maintain a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for the 2022-23 academic year. The final requirements will be based on the CDC and federal health mandates for the definition of fully vaccinated in place prior to the start of the fall term in August. More details will be shared in the spring term as they become available. 

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to navigate the unpredictable and changing nature of the pandemic and health guidance over the coming months. 

Tips to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season
Finally, with the holiday season upon us, be sure to keep yourself (and others) healthy and safe by:

  • Staying home if sick (no matter how mild)
  • Getting tested as soon as possible if not feeling well 
  • Limiting close contacts and large groups
  • Wearing a mask when indoors
  • Getting a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot (talk to a medical professional if you have questions or want more information on boosters) 

Please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information. 

On behalf of Sue and me, thank you once again for all that each of you do to protect our community during this pandemic, and Happy Holidays to you and yours! 


David Finegold


Dear Students, Staff and Faculty,  

Chatham’s COVID-19 Campus Dashboard was updated today with the latest Weekly Trends and data covering August 1 through November 29. Below is a recap of the latest Dashboard data and other important updates and reminders.  

Dashboard Highlights
As of 11.29, Chatham has 49 positive cases, compared to 77 at the same time last year. In terms of weekly trends, from 11.20 to 11.26 we had 5 cases (down from 7 the previous week), but an increase in positivity rate from 3.47% to 14.29%. This rate jump is due to the decrease in testing with the short holiday week. We anticipate the positivity rate will return to recent rates next week as twice weekly sample, symptomatic and close contact testing resumed this week. Click here to view the COVID-19 Campus Dashboard.

COVID-19 Booster Clinic This Thursday
In conjunction with UPMC, Chatham is offering booster vaccines at Shadyside Campus this Thursday, 12.2 from 8 am to 10 am in the Welker Room for all students, faculty, staff, and their families. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson boosters will be available. To receive the Pfizer or Moderna booster, you need to be at least six months out from your second dose. To receive the Johnson & Johnson booster, you need to be at least two months out from your vaccine dose. 

The CDC recently updated their criteria for booster shots to recommend that everyone 18 and older should get a booster shot.  Click here to register for your booster.

End of Semester Health Tips
As we return to campus from the Thanksgiving holiday, we encourage everyone to remain diligent in following health and safety protocols to stay healthy and complete the remaining weeks of the fall semester. With the winter cold and flu season upon us and an accompanying increase in COVID case counts in the Northeast, following our campus health and safety protocols is now more important than ever.

Keep yourself (and others) healthy, safe and on-campus by:

  • Staying home if sick (no matter how mild).
  • Get tested as soon as possible if not feeling well.  
  • Practice good hygiene and hand washing.
  • Limit your close contacts and large groups (especially closer to exams and when preparing to leave campus for the winter).
  • Wear a mask when indoors. 
  • Get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot (be sure to talk to a medical professional if you have questions or want more information on boosters). 

Please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information. 

As always, thank you for all you do to help keep our community healthy and safe. 


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services, and the Office of Student Affairs

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

As we prepare for the upcoming fall/winter holiday breaks and the start of the spring term, we are writing today to share important information on spring term vaccine/waiver deadlines for new students and employees along with testing protocols over the coming weeks and spring term. 

Vaccine & Waiver Deadlines for Spring Term
It is mandatory that any new student and employee starting on campus in 2022 have a vaccine record or waiver request on file. Failure to have one of these records on file can result in denial of access to university systems, the inability to move into university housing, limitations on job responsibilities or additional measures for continued failure to submit a waiver or vaccine record.

For any new students or employees starting in the spring term, below are the deadlines for submitting proof of vaccination or a waiver request: 

  • International students:  December 10
  • U.S. students:  December 20
  • New employees (starting 1.3): December 20
  • Adjunct faculty (new in spring): January 12 (no later than) 

All vaccine records and waiver requests must be submitted through Med+Proctor. 

Spring Entry Testing
In alignment with CDC guidance, Chatham will require spring entry term testing for unvaccinated students and employees plus any student or employee (vaccinated or unvaccinated) traveling internationally before coming to campus on 1.3. All unvaccinated community will continue the weekly testing protocol throughout the spring term after the initial entry testing. If you are traveling internationally over the winter break, please contact Student Health Services to discuss and schedule your spring entry testing prior to coming to campus or on 1.3 or 1.4.

End of Fall Term Testing Updates
There is currently a supply chain shortage for rapid antigen tests. Student Health Services is working with suppliers to address this challenge as soon as possible by the end of the month. In response to these supply chain issues, the following testing changes are being put in place: 

  • Close contact testing for vaccinated individuals will be conducted with a PCR test.
  • For the week of 11.15, unvaccinated individuals will be sample tested only once a week (instead of the normal two times).
  • There will be no unvaccinated sample testing the week of 11.22 due to the short holiday week (symptomatic and close contact testing is still available). 

Regular symptomatic, close contact and unvaccinated sample testing will resume the week of 11.29 and through the remainder of the term. 

Please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information. 

As always, thank you for all you do to help keep our community healthy and safe. 


Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, and the Office of Communications


Dear Students, Staff and Faculty, 

Chatham’s COVID-19 Campus Dashboard was updated today with the latest Weekly Trends and data covering August 1 through November 15. Below is a recap of the latest Dashboard data and other important updates and reminders. 

Dashboard Highlights
As of 11.15, Chatham has 39 positive cases, compared to 67 at the same time last year. Unfortunately, we experienced an uptick in positive cases last week (11.6 to 11.12) with a semester high of 6 cases (up from 2 the previous week), and a jump in positivity rate from .85% to 2.5%. Our current positivity rate is still much lower compared to the same time last year when it was 11.49% during our fall term spike. We will continue to closely monitor testing and cases to determine if this is a one-time campus increase or part of a larger trend of case increases beginning to occur in Allegheny County and throughout the Northeast and Midwest with fall/winter settling in. 

Stay Home & Get Tested
Thankfully, all symptomatic cases at Chatham are presenting with mild symptoms. However, we are seeing several instances where a person had symptoms for multiple days without getting tested. Once the individual comes in for testing, contact tracing must be done for a whole week instead of just the normal 2 days. This delay can allow the virus to spread in our community and increases the chance of it impacting a higher-risk individual on or off campus. Always remember, please stay home if sick (no matter how mild) and get tested as soon as possible. This simple step can help defeat the pandemic and makes sure anyone you know (or don’t know) does not get sick.  

Mask Protocol Update 
Chatham’s mask protocol is aligned with the CDC guidance and the current designation for Allegheny County regarding masks indoors for all (vaccinated or unvaccinated) in an area with High or Substantial transmission. While our community vaccination rate is high (93%) and cases and positivity rates remain low compared to last year, we are continuing to monitor the case trends through the rest of this month and December, which is the period when we encountered the highest positivity rates last year. 
Given the increase in our weekly positivity rate last week, the need to monitor cases over the next few weeks, and the unknown impact of travel over Thanksgiving and Winter breaks, Chatham has decided to stay in our current mask protocol through January 15th. As we approach the 15th, we will assess case counts and positivity rates on campus (and in the region) and share any potential mask protocol modifications with the community for input at that time. 

Please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information.  

As always, thank you for all that you do to help keep our community healthy and safe this year. 


The Offices of Communications, Student Health Services, Student Affairs and Academic Affairs

Dear Students, Staff and Faculty, 

Chatham’s COVID-19 Campus Dashboard was updated today with the latest Weekly Trends and data covering August 1 through October 11. The data includes symptomatic, close-contact and group sample testing. 

From 8.1 to 10.11 Chatham conducted or received 1,675 tests and has had 21 positive cases for an overall positivity rate of 1.25%. In terms of weekly trends, our positivity rate increased from 0% from the previous week to 1.39% for the week of 10.2 to 10.8 with the addition of 3 new cases during that time. 

The breakdown of cases among the campus populations is as follows: 

  • Residential Students:  4 cases
  • Commuter Students:  14 cases
  • Employees:  3 cases 

As you can see above, the bulk of our cases are occurring in commuter students who live and/or work off campus. Whether on or off campus, be sure to continue following the latest health and safety protocols to protect the health of those around you.  

In terms of other considerations, we (thankfully) continue to see the presence of mild symptoms in our symptomatic cases. It is very important that you stay home if not feeling well to monitor your symptoms (even if mild). As we enter traditional cold and flu season over the coming weeks and months, this will become even more important to helping protect the health of our community and reducing the spread of COVID-19. 

The COVID-19 Dashboard is updated weekly, posted on the website, and communicated via the Friday Weekly COVID-19 Update Email or through separate communications such as this when necessary. 

As always, please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information.  


The Office of Communications and Student Health Services

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

Chatham’s COVID-19 Campus Dashboard was updated today with the latest testing and case data covering 8.1 through Friday, 8.20. During this time, Chatham conducted or received 105 tests and had 4 positive cases. All cases were from off-campus, commuter students. 

The COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated weekly, posted on the website and communicated via the Friday Weekly COVID-19 Update or through separate communications such as this when necessary. In addition, weekly trends will be added to the Dashboard beginning in September after we have a month of data.  

If you ever have any questions on the dashboard, protocols, what to do if sick or a close contact, or testing and contact tracing, visit the COVID-19 Information Website where the latest COVID response information is available or submit a question on our COVID-19 Question & Feedback form.

As always, thank you for following all health and safety protocols both on and off campus. Your efforts make a difference!


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and The Office of Student Affairs

Dear Staff & Faculty, 

We are pleased to announce that Student Health Services is now able to provide symptomatic COVID-19 testing for all employees (non-vaccinated or vaccinated) along with sample testing and close contact testing for non-vaccinated employees. 

If you have COVID-19 symptoms and wish to be tested, you can register for testing with Student Health Services on our Testing & Contact Tracing web page. 

In addition, most local drug stores, doctor offices and the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) offer convenient, local testing options. A map of local testing locations is available on the County’s website. If off-campus testing is more convenient for you, we encourage you to utilize these testing locations (most tests are free or covered by insurance). 

If you are tested off campus, please submit the results of your test (positive or negative) through our Off-Campus Testing Self-Report form. 

It may be necessary to temporarily pause symptomatic campus testing for employees to support the testing needs for students if our testing resources become strained this year due to an uptick in campus cases. We will communicate accordingly if this becomes necessary. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at StudentHealth@waki-aiai.net or submit a question on the COVID-19 Information Website Questions form. 

Wishing you good health and a great academic year!


Annette Muller
Nurse Practitioner
Student Health Services

Hannah Platz
COVID-19 Community Health Coordinator
Student Health Services


Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

Before the start of academic year, I want to take a moment to wish everyone the best of luck on what will be another historic and unprecedented experience for our campus community! Sue and I are always so thrilled by the excitement and energy this time of year, which feels even more special this year given the way our community has rallied together to navigate our way through the pandemic and with so many new and returning students on campus this fall. 

While we are unfortunately seeing an uptick in cases in Allegheny County, I continue to be optimistic about the ability of vaccines and strong health protocols to help us turn the tide of this pandemic. It is why I’m so proud to lead a campus community that has consistently demonstrated a commitment to caring and helping each other throughout this pandemic. From testing to health protocols to our vaccine requirement, members of the Chatham community always step up to do their part to protect the health and safety of our campus. 

As an illustration of this “Cougars Care” commitment, I’m pleased to share that our community vaccination rate currently stands at 88% of students and full-time employees on campus this fall. This number will continue to change as people receive vaccinations and records are updated. We will update this on the website as needed throughout the year. 

Thank you to everyone who received their vaccine and uploaded their vaccination records and to those who submitted a vaccine waiver and will participate in regular sample testing this semester. These steps are the foundation of the health and safety protocols that allow us to be together on campus, reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19, and protect the health of the most vulnerable among us. 

As always, please continue to check http://kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19 for the latest details on our response to COVID throughout the year and to submit any feedback or questions you may have. 

Sue and I look forward to seeing you around campus and at many of the events over the coming days, including the All-Community Welcome Picnic on Sunday, 8.22 from 11 to 2 on the Quad. 

All my best, 

David Finegold

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Chatham has followed the health guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Allegheny County Department of Health (ACDH). Doing so has helped keep our community safe, healthy, and here on campus. Below are two important updates regarding the latest health guidance for our community: 

Vaccine Requirement Update
The CDC and ACHD continue to place a priority on vaccination as the absolute best way to protect individual (and community) health and help bring an end to this pandemic. Our vaccine requirement is in direct response to this guidance, and we want to thank everyone who submitted their proof of vaccine or waiver request by this past Sunday’s deadline.

We will be reaching out directly over the coming days to any members of the community who have yet to complete their uploads to finish this process. As a reminder, it is mandatory that all students and employees who will be on campus this year have a vaccine record or waiver request on file. Failure to have one of these records on file can result in denial of access to some University systems, the inability to move into University Housing, limitations on job responsibilities or additional measures for continued failure to submit a waiver or vaccine record. 

If you do not have a waiver on file and are still on the fence about the vaccine, we encourage everyone to receive their vaccine as soon as possible. With over 300 million doses given (70% of US adults now have at least one shot), the vaccines are proving to be safe and highly effective. In fact, the CDC reports that as of July 26, only .004 percent of vaccinated Americans have been hospitalized with COVID-19 and .001 percent have died from it. And while the media is reporting on breakthrough positive cases among the vaccinated, this figure too looks to be less than 1% of the over 165 million people currently vaccinated. The reality is that the current surge in cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the Delta variant is absolutely impacting the unvaccinated population, and the best way to protect your health is to get vaccinated. 

Campus Mask Policy Update
With our commitment to following CDC guidance for COVID-19, we are updating our campus mask policy based on the new CDC recommendation for fully vaccinated people to wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission. Unfortunately, Allegheny County now falls into the category of substantial transmission and Chatham will adjust our mask policy accordingly.

Beginning Monday, August 9, masks will temporarily be required inside all public areas of campus buildings regardless of vaccination status. Masks are not required outside, when eating or alone in an office or campus room. 

As the health guidance and/or transmission rates decline, Chatham will adjust our mask policies accordingly. It is our sincere hope that increasing vaccination rates locally, a fully vaccinated campus community, and sample testing protocols for the non-vaccinated when school begins will allow us to adjust these policies once again as we work to keep COVID in check here on campus. 


Student Health Services, The Office of Student Affairs, The Office of Academic Affairs, The Office of Communications and The Office of the President


Dear Chatham Staff, Faculty and Students,

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has lifted the order requiring universal face coverings for the state of Pennsylvania. The lifted mask mandate means that while masks are no longer mandated by the state, businesses and organizations may continue to implement their own mask policies, masks may be required in some specific settings (such as hospitals or on public transportation), everyone is encouraged to follow CDC guidance, and people may choose to still wear a mask (even if vaccinated).

In response to the lifting of this state mask order and in alignment with the latest CDC guidance on masks, Chatham’s mask policy is as follows beginning tomorrow, June 29:  

  • Masks are not required outside regardless of vaccination status.
  • If fully vaccinated, masks are not required inside campus buildings.
  • If not vaccinated, masks should be worn inside campus buildings per the CDC.
  • People may choose to still wear a mask (even if vaccinated) in all settings, so please be kind and respectful to everyone. 

Some modifications may be made to Chatham’s mask policy over the summer and this fall, including different mask requirements for Day Camp, when in Student Health Services, and when in close contact/hands-on health education settings. In addition, mask requirements may be reinstated during the academic year if health guidance and/or disease prevalence require them. 

Any additional updates on the mask policy will be shared on the COVID-19 Informational Website and via e-mail over the coming weeks and before the start of the fall term. 

As always, if you have any questions, please submit them on the COVID-19 Information Questions & Feedback Form. 


The Office of Communications

Dear Students, 

As announced in May, Chatham will require COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees and students participating in face-to-face classes or campus activities for the 2021-2022 academic term (except those with a valid waiver for medical, religious or other reason consistent with federal and state law). This requirement is a critical part of Chatham’s efforts to combat COVID-19, promote a healthy community and resume in-person activities this upcoming year. 

Thank you to the students who have already begun uploading their proof of vaccinations through Med+Proctor. We are sending this email today to help provide instructions on the process with Med+Proctor. If you have any questions or need further assistance with this process, you can contact student help (medproctor.com) or use the live chat feature on Med+Proctor.

All vaccine records or vaccine waiver must be received by August 1, 2021. If you upload by July 1, 2021, you will receive 25 Cougar Dollars loaded on your student ID. 

Upload Vaccine Records with Med+Proctor
Visit www.medproctor.com to access your account. You will register for an account (if a new user) or login (if previous user) with your Chatham email. Once logged in, select from one of the four requirement groups to which you belong. You will select your cohort and submit all required documentation as assigned in this grid.

Requirement Group


First Year & Transfer students

MMR, hep B, meningitis, COVID status

Continuing Students (Sophomore, Jr., Sr.)

COVID status

*should already have MMR, hep B, meningitis – upload if not

Graduate Students (non-campus residents)

COVID status

Graduate Students (campus residents)

MMR, hep B, meningitis, COVID status

For continuing students, we ask that you update your Med+Proctor account to include your COVID vaccination status. This will be in the same account where you submitted prior immunization records when you started your fist year or transferred to Chatham.

Upload Vaccine Waiver with Med+Proctor
Chatham will allow students with a valid medical, religious, or other reason consistent under federal and state law to apply for waiver. Anyone not vaccinated will be subject to additional health and safety protocols during the year. You can find this form in Med+Proctor under “Download Documents” with the title “Exemption Request Form”. Complete your form and upload in the same location in Med+Proctor.

Campus Vaccination Clinics
In collaboration with UPMC, Chatham will be offering the Pfizer vaccine at a series of clinics this summer for students, employees, and their families. Vaccines (1st and 2nd shots) will be administered in the Mellon Board Room from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7 and Wednesday, July 28. Information on how to register is our COVID-19 Information Website Vaccine Clinics page. In addition, if you can't make it to a clinic on campus this summer, vaccines are readily available at major pharmacies and other clinics near you.

Please continue to check the Chatham COVID-19 Information Website and review the weekly emails for important updates about the coming year, and, as always, contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net if you have any additional questions.

Have a safe and healthy summer,


Dr. Ron Giles
Director of Student Health Services

Annette Muller
Nurse Practitioner


Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

As you are more than likely aware, the guidance on masks from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PADOH) has been updated to not require masks for those who are fully vaccinated. However, both the CDC and the PADOH allow schools, businesses and organizations to continue their own mask requirements. 

In light of these changes, Chatham will no longer require masks when outdoors on campus grounds, but we will continue to require masks when inside campus buildings for everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

Chatham is regularly reviewing health guidance, the policies of other local schools and our own community vaccine rates. Based on these reviews, we anticipate we will update our mask policy again as our community vaccine rates increase and/or the state mask mandate is lifted (currently set for June 28 or when 70% of Pennsylvanians age 18 and older are fully vaccinated).

Please remember: many people may make the personal choice to wear a mask at all times (even if vaccinated). Please be respectful and kind to each other. 

In addition, there are a number of other campus updates to share: 

The Athletic & Fitness Center
As of June 1, the AFC no longer requires registration for facility use and capacity restrictions are lifted. Masks are still required in alignment with University policy. 

Event & Room Capacity
As of May 31, Pennsylvania dropped all mitigation measures except the mask mandate. This means that venue capacity and other restrictions are no longer in effect. In response to this, Chatham venues and rooms can now accommodate 100% of stated capacity. 

Dining Updates
Masks are still required except while eating. Café Rachel is open M-F, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., with to-go options only (no seating). The Esther Barazzone Center at Eden Hall is open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. M-F for the Chatham community and the general public. Anderson Dining Hall will be hosting the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater and Music & Arts Day Camp participants this summer, and will remain open to the Chatham community for lunch (with limited breakfast and dining options also available).

Pittsburgh Ballet Theater and Music & Arts Day Camp
Pittsburgh Ballet Theater will be on campus beginning June 14 and Chatham’s Music & Arts Day Camp is slated to begin June 21. The camps will operate in compliance with all CDC health and safety requirements for camps and the Music & Arts Day Camp will have 50% of normal capacity.

Campus Dashboard
The Campus Dashboard was updated through 5.31 with 2 tests and 0 positive cases. The Campus Dashboard will be updated twice a month (or as needed) for the rest of the summer. 

Campus Vaccine Clinics
Partnering with UPMC, Chatham will host a series of vaccination clinics for students and staff (and their families) in the Mellon Board Room. The Pfizer vaccine will be offered.  Clinics will be held on: June 16, July 7, and July 28. Details on how to register will be sent soon. Proof of vaccination or vaccine waiver must be on file by August 1st before the start of term.  

As always, if you have any questions, please submit them on the COVID-19 Information Website Questions & Feedback form.


The Office of Communications

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff, 

As of today, nearly 125 million Americans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and over 160 million have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At the same time, new daily U.S. infections are down over 90% since the January peak. Vaccines are now readily available throughout the country and the U.S. is increasing shipments of the vaccine to other nations where it is badly needed. The impact of these safe, highly-effective vaccines in reducing illness and the spread of the virus cannot be understated. 

Given the success of the COVID-19 vaccines in helping turn the tide of this pandemic here in the U.S., Chatham has made the decision to require COVID-19 vaccinations for all students participating in face-to-face classes or campus activities and for all faculty and staff for the 2021-2022 academic term. Those with a valid medical, religious or other reason consistent under federal and state law will be able to apply for an exemption. 

This vaccine requirement is a critical step in protecting the health and safety of our community and helping us return to a more traditional residential living and learning experience here on campus. 

To assist our community in meeting this vaccine requirement, a series of vaccine clinics will be held on campus in June and July, open to all students and employees (and their family members) who are not yet vaccinated. In addition, incentives will be offered for uploading proof of vaccine records by key dates. 

Please visit our COVID-19 Information Site for additional details, deadlines and instructions for uploading records, and a series of frequently asked questions related to vaccine requirements. We will continue to provide updates, reminders and additional frequently asked questions over the coming weeks. 

We continue to be grateful for the caring and compassion displayed by the Chatham community this past year and look forward to this same spirit helping us navigate this next hopeful phase of the pandemic. Please take care and enjoy your summer. 


David Finegold, President
Jenna Templeton, VP of Academic Affairs
Heather Black, Dean of Students
Walt Fowler, SVP of Finance & Administration

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty,  

Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard was updated today with the latest Weekly Trends and data through Monday, 4.26. The data includes symptomatic, close-contact and group sample testing. 

Weekly Trends
From 4.17 to 4.23, Chatham conducted or received 132 tests and had 1 positive case for a low weekly positivity rate of .76%. You can view these Weekly Trends and more on our COVID-19 Campus Dashboard. The Dashboard will be updated weekly through the month of May. The update frequency for June and July may change to reflect changes in academic schedules and student enrollment over the summer months. For all students enrolled in summer terms, please continue to provide any off-campus testing results and/or utilize Student Health Services for symptomatic or close contact testing.

Campus Vaccine Clinic
On Thursday, May 6 Chatham will be hosting a small vaccine clinic for students, faculty and staff in the Welker Room from 10:30 am to Noon. The Clinic is being conducted in partnership with the Metro Community Health Center and will distribute the Moderna vaccine.

The clinic is open to all students, faculty and staff who have not yet received their first vaccine shot. Recipients can receive their second dose through Metro Community Health (South Braddock Avenue) or back home if leaving campus for the summer. 

Registration is currently capped for the first 20 to register for the clinic. If you would like to participate and there are no more registration spots available, please contact Student Health Services at StudentHealth@waki-aiai.net to discuss your options. Register for the clinic at http://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=22078900&calendarID=5424981 

Latest Vaccine Information & Other Links
In addition, important vaccine information and links to schedule an appointment through a variety of other distribution sites are always available at: http://kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19/vaccine-info.html. There are plenty of appointments available around the region, so please schedule yours today! 

Thank you to everyone for all of your efforts this fall and spring to keep the Chatham community safe and healthy.


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services, and the Office of Student Affairs

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard was updated today with the latest Weekly Trends and data covering 4.6 to 4.12. The data includes symptomatic, close-contact and group sample testing.

 From 4.6 to 4.12, Chatham conducted or received 263 tests and had 3 positive cases. In terms of weekly trends, our positivity rate remains relatively low for the week of 4.3 to 4.9 with 212 tests and 4 positive cases for a 1.89% positivity rate compared to 1.27% for the previous week. You can view these Weekly Trends and more on our COVID-19 Campus Dashboard every Tuesday.

Thank you to everyone for continuing to follow all health and safety protocols both on and off campus—you are making a difference. 

Speaking of making a difference, have you scheduled your vaccine now that Pennsylvania has expanded vaccine eligibility to all Pennsylvanians over the age of 16? The latest vaccine information and links to schedule an appointment are available at: http://kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19/vaccine-info.html.

There are plenty of appointments available around the region, so please schedule yours today!

Finally, while we have not received official notification yet, we are hearing from County and State officials that you may soon be able to get your second vaccine dose at a location different from where you received your first shot. This is great news for those students who live out-of-state or those in-state who will need a second dose after returning home.

Thank you again for all you have done this semester and, as always, please complete the Questions & Feedback Form if you have any questions or to provide any other feedback. 


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services, and the Office of Student Affairs

Dear Chatham Students,
Any student taking in-person classes in the Summer 2021 term (both sessions) who has not been face-to-face for the Spring term will need to complete entry testing using a rapid antigen test or PCR test. 
Students meeting these criteria must submit a negative test within a seven-day period before starting classes. For example, your test must be conducted (and result must be available) April 19-25 if starting on April 26.
Students may be exempt from testing for the following reasons:
  • Fully vaccinated: A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their final shot  
  • Tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days
  • Received a positive antibody test within the last 90 days
Students are permitted to test off campus and Student Health Services will offer free rapid antigen tests on a first come, first served basis the week of April 19th. Schedule your appointment using this online registration site.
Students who are exempt from testing and those who wish to test off campus should submit the Summer Entry Testing Form prior to starting classes.  
Chatham will continue to observe physical distancing, mask wearing, and encourage mitigation behaviors. We look forward to welcoming back more students in person and appreciate the continued effort to keep our community safe.
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs 

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff: 

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is inviting you to contribute to the growing science of COVID-19 by offering free antibody tests to members of the Chatham community. PADOH is undertaking this comprehensive research study to understand how much infection has occurred among Pennsylvania universities and in order to develop better ways to protect students and staff. 

This simple blood draw test will determine if your body has produced antibodies to the coronavirus, which would be the case if you have had the virus or if you received a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Participation is completely voluntary and involves registering, submitting a signed statement of informed consent, answering a short electronic questionnaire and allowing a phlebotomist to collect one tube of blood from you. The results of your test will be kept confidential and provided to you privately. Everyone is eligible including those who have tested positive for COVID, not tested positive for COVID and/or received one or two vaccine shots. 

Please note that this is not a test to see if you have COVID-19; it is only to see if your body has developed antibodies in response to it or to the vaccine for it. Here are the details for Chatham: 

When: Monday, April 19 | 9 am-4 pm
Where: Welker Room, Laughlin Music Hall
Register: Visit the PADOH COVID-19 Serology Study Participant Registration Form or see the attached for more information and links. 

Thank you for doing your part to help in COVID-19 research! 


Student Health Services, The Office of Student Affairs, and the Office of University Communications

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff, 

The past year on our campus, the region and around the world has been challenging to say the least. I mourn the loss of life, normalcy and togetherness that COVID-19 has caused everyone. 

Here at Chatham, our collective efforts and dedication to the Cougars Care Commitment have allowed us to stay healthy, safe and on campus throughout the year. I know it has not always been easy. Thank you once again for your commitment to Chatham and, most importantly, to each other this past year. 

As we look ahead, I am filled with hope that the normal rhythms of life are slowly beginning to return. A return that wouldn’t be possible without the incredible scientific breakthroughs that have produced multiple and highly effective vaccines, the tireless work of front-line healthcare workers, and the efforts of the more unsung essential workers that have kept our country, schools and universities, and the economy running in ways that we could have never dreamed of a year ago. 

In this hopeful moment, we continue the planning and preparation for the fall term. Our vaccine survey showed strong willingness among our community to get vaccinated. In addition, Pennsylvania expanded vaccine eligibility and registration, which means faculty and staff are now eligible to register for vaccine appointments through the County or a vaccine provider on April 5 and students on April 19. This accelerating rollout of the vaccines suggests we will have enough doses to vaccinate every adult in the country by the start of this summer—a truly remarkable accomplishment.

Based on these critical factors, I am pleased to announce it is our plan to return to an in-person, academic and residential campus experience this fall. We are anticipating an experience that will include on-campus classes, events, athletics, and increased capacity in our residence halls. In addition, we also plan to keep and enhance some of the changes and services we adopted due to the pandemic that increase convenience, efficiency and the overall experience for our students and employees. 

A number of campus working groups will work on the details for the fall, and we will share them through a series of campus and website updates in May, June and July. In addition, for those who are enrolled in or teach summer courses, we are currently working through the protocols and will provide details in the coming weeks. 

Our ability to achieve our return-to-campus goal hinges on high vaccine adoption by the community, local case and hospitalization trends, and, of course, the need to follow the guidance and requirements of government and health agencies. At the same time, we will also prudently prepare for various contingencies we may face this summer and next year. 

While we are excited to look ahead, it is vital that we continue to follow all current health and safety guidelines on and off campus. Our ability over the coming weeks to celebrate the end of the academic year and the accomplishments of our graduates, hinges on all of us maintaining these protocols, particularly as we know that the more infectious virus variants are now present in Pittsburgh. 

I encourage everyone to keep up the behaviors that have kept us safe and healthy this year and, as always, thank you for your commitment to Chatham. Best of luck on the end of term, and I look forward to celebrating with our graduates and many of you at the various in-person yet physically distanced events we have planned this month.   


David Finegold

Dear Students, Staff & Faculty, 

Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard was updated yesterday with the latest Weekly Trends and data covering 3.16 to 3.22. The data includes symptomatic, close-contact and group sample testing. 

From 3.16 to 3.22, Chatham conducted or received 285 tests and had 8 positive cases. After weeks of very low positivity rates, we unfortunately saw an uptick in positive cases and associated close contacts presenting over the past week and weekend. In terms of weekly trends, our positivity rate jumped from a low .67% to 2.46% last week (3.13 to 3.19), which is a rate we last saw in early January. 

Contact tracing has shown that cases have been due in part to an increase in gatherings from weekend activities and the warmer weather. While we highly encourage everyone to take advantage of the spring weather to come together outside, please continue: to wear masks, stay six feet apart, avoid indoor gatherings, and limit your close contacts (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) at all times inside and outside. 

Our success with COVID so far this semester is because everyone has been really great about following the health and safety protocols. With about a month to go in the term, please keep it up to ensure that classes, events and activities (from Spring Carnival to the Graduate Toast to the Graduation Experience) can occur in April. 

We know everyone is tired and longs for more normalcy. We will get there if we can maintain our efforts for a while longer and allow time for the vaccine rollout to continue around the region. We thank you for your commitment to helping ensure these brighter days are just ahead. 

As always, please complete the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or to provide any other feedback.  


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and the Office of Student Affairs 

Dear Students,  

The Commencement Committee has been working to finalize the plans for this year’s Commencement celebrations in response to COVID-19 case trends, the recent increase in event venue capacity restrictions from the Governor, and the results of a survey sent to graduating students.  

Based on these factors and current COVID cases remaining low on campus, Chatham is pleased to announce that we will hold a unique in-person Commencement Experience along with a virtual Commencement Ceremony option for all graduates (undergraduate and graduate).

The full details are still being finalized, but the current celebration plans are as follows:   

  • An outdoor graduation toast on Thursday, April 22, on the Old Quad from 4:00-5:00 pm or 5:30-6:30 pm.  
  • A physically distant Commencement “experience” in the Chapel on Friday, April 23 from 3:00-6:00 pm (with staggered start times). While not the full ceremony, this event provides graduates an opportunity to hear short remarks and walk across the stage in regalia to receive their diploma cover when announced. This experience is optional and will be live-streamed and recorded.
  • A virtual Commencement Ceremony available on Sunday, April 25 and viewable at any time that is convenient.  
  • A number of virtual or in-person graduation celebrations, including Multicultural Graduation, Lavender Graduation, and individual academic program celebrations.    

While the changes to event capacity restrictions allow us to provide an option for an in-person experience in the Chapel this year, unfortunately, we cannot accommodate spectators and guests due to capacity restrictions and the size of Chatham venues. For our planning purposes, we must assume current event restrictions will still be in place next month. Some individual celebrations may allow limited guests.  

In addition to above, it is still our plan and sincere hope that graduates from the Class of 2020 and those from the Class of 2021 who want a more traditional Commencement will join us at a future Commencement Ceremony (in 2021 or 2022) to be recognized and honored.  

Please visit kndq.waki-aiai.net/commencement for details and to sign-up for the in-person events and free graduation portraits (on 4.1 and 4.2), as well as, to find additional details on applying for degree conferral (deadline of 3.22) and ordering regalia.  

We appreciate your patience as the Commencement Committee works to adapt Chatham’s graduation ceremonies in light of COVID-19, and we look forward to celebrating with you next month.  


Dr. Jenna Templeton
Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Dear Students, Staff and Faculty,  

After such a long and challenging year, it is heartening to see positive trends in lower numbers of COVID cases, hospitalizations and the low positivity rates we are seeing on campus so far this spring. At the same time, improvements in the supply and rollout of the vaccines—coupled with a newly approved vaccine and others in the pipeline—are building optimism that a return to a more normal sense of life over the coming months may be in reach. 

With this current environment in mind, we are undertaking the planning and preparation for how we can return to a more in-person, academic and residential campus experience this fall, even while operating under some continued health and safety protocols. However, our ability to achieve all or a portion of this goal is contingent upon vaccine availability and acceptance within our community, modified health guidance and restrictions from the government, and continued downward trends in COVID numbers. Due to this uncertainty, we are also working on contingency plans for a continuation of our current operating posture. 

While we are optimistic about the fall, we also fully recognize there could be many changes between now and the start of the Fall semester and will adapt any of our plans accordingly. 

To support our planning efforts and prepare for all contingencies, we are asking that all Chatham staff, faculty and students complete a quick and anonymous survey related to COVID-19 vaccines by Friday, March 26.

Click here to complete survey (closing 3.26.21)

To gather as much information and feedback as possible, we need all community members to complete this survey even if you are one of the number of employees or health science students and faculty that have already received or are scheduled to receive one (or both) vaccine shots as part of Phase 1a. 

As a reminder, Chatham is not currently requiring faculty, staff, or students to be vaccinated for COVID-19 vaccine. However, this policy may change for all (or some) community groups or we will require significant voluntary vaccination in order to have a successful return to campus this fall. Your input provided through this survey is critical to our understanding and planning around vaccines. Following the completion of the survey, we will share additional information and communications related to our fall planning efforts and decisions. 

Finally, thank you for your time and input on this survey, and most importantly, for your patience and perseverance as we’ve all navigated this difficult year. I look forward to brighter (and more together) days ahead. 


David Finegold

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff,  

Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard was updated yesterday with data covering 2.23 to 3.1. The data includes symptomatic, close-contact and group sample testing. 

Dashboard Recap
From 2.23 to 3.1, Chatham conducted or received 327 tests with 1 positive case. In terms of Weekly Trends, Chatham continues to see low positivity rates week over week and throughout the month of February. 

  • 2.20 to 2.26     347 tests         4 cases                        1.15% positivity rate
  • 2.13 to 2.19     281 tests         0 cases                        0% positivity rate
  • 2.6 to 2.12       263 tests         6 cases                        2.28% positivity rate
  • 1.30 to 2.5       286 tests         3 cases                        1.05% positivity rate

Thank you to everyone for following campus health & safety protocols. Your efforts are making a huge difference and protecting the health of the community.

State Travel Restrictions Lifted
Earlier this week, Governor Tom Wolf lifted COVID-related travel restrictions that required quarantine or a negative COVID test for visitors from out-of-state or residents who traveled to another state. With the lifting of this order, Chatham visitors from out-of-state and employees or students who return to Pennsylvania after visiting another state, no longer have to quarantine or receive a negative COVID test. 

Upcoming Updates
With declining case counts and rollout of vaccines picking up steam, planning is underway for what this means for the fall term at Chatham. An update and survey on vaccinations will be sent this week as part of these planning efforts. Please complete this survey. In addition, information on the current plans and options for Commencement will be shared next week. 

As always, please complete the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or to provide any other feedback. 


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and the Office of Student Affairs

Dear Chatham students,    

To help alleviate financial burdens caused by COVID-19 disruptions, Chatham students can now receive assistance in the form of cash grants from the federal government’s pandemic relief legislation, known as HEERF II.    

Here’s what you need to know:  

Both undergraduates and graduate students are eligible for HEERF II funding. 

Pell-eligible students will receive $1,000 (full-time); $500 (part-time) automatically. Funds can be used toward cost of attendance and costs of living. Students will receive information on the distribution of their funds from the Office of Financial Aid.   

Students without a Pell Grant can apply to receive HEERF II funds for covered expenses. The following is a list of expenses that can be considered for this grant assistance: 

  • tuition 
  • food
  • housing
  • course materials
  • technology
  • healthcare
  • childcare   

To apply for these funds, visit the HEERF II Student Funding Page on our COVID-19 Information Site and submit the 2021 HEERF Student Funding Application. Students must have a FAFSA on file with Chatham, and the application will remain open until all funds have been awarded. Unfortunately, the U.S. Department of Education does not allow these funds to be used for international students, undocumented students, or non-matriculated students.   

In addition to HEERF II, Chatham is providing information on additional relief funding that can help students obtain food, healthcare (including mental health), childcare, and other necessities through Chatham’s Student Emergency Fund and Pennsylvania’s SNAP program.   

Visit the HEERF II Student Funding webpage to learn more about the financial assistance options available to Chatham students due to COVID-19.    


Office of Financial Aid 

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff, 

Chatham has completed all Spring Entry Testing, and the COVID-19 Dashboard was updated yesterday with data through Monday, 1.25. The data includes on-campus and off-campus entry tests, symptomatic testing and group sample testing (e.g., for athletic teams). 

From 1.21 to 1.25, Chatham conducted or received 195 tests with 2 positive cases. Throughout last week (1.16 to 1.22), Chatham conducted or received 580 tests with 8 positive cases for a positivity rate of 1.38%. This continues the low positivity rate trends experienced during Entry Testing and is the lowest positivity rate since September. With the completion of Entry Testing, the Dashboard will be updated on Tuesday or Wednesday of each week (the day will depend on PCR test result turnaround times) or on an as-needed basis. 

Thank you to everyone for your commitment to entry testing, sheltering-in-place and following all health and safety protocols to ensure a safe return to campus. It is important that we maintain our commitment to the health and safety of each other throughout the semester by: 

  • Continuing to wear masks at all times
  • Maintaining physical distance
  • Participating in community sample testing
  • Staying home if sick (no matter how mild the symptoms)
  • Reaching out to Student Health Services to discuss any symptoms and testing options  

As always, please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information.  


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and the Office of Student Affairs

Dear Students, Faculty & Staff, 

We are writing today to provide an update on Spring Entry Testing and the results from the latest update to the Campus Dashboard. We will provide another dashboard update on Friday of this week, and then Campus Dashboard updates will return to a more regular update cycle next week with the completion of Entry Testing. 

COVID Dashboard Update 
Chatham’s COVID-19 Dashboard was updated today with Entry Testing data through Friday, 1.15.  Data is comprised of on-campus and off-campus entry tests being submitted as part of our Entry Testing protocol. It also includes any symptomatic testing being done on-campus or self-reported from off-campus. 

The last on-campus Entry Testing appointment is scheduled for tomorrow (1.20), and community sample testing (students, staff and faculty) will begin next week and run through the rest of the term. 

From 1.1 to 1.8, Chatham conducted or received 452 tests with 18 positive cases for a positivity rate of 3.98%. Last week from 1.9 to 1.15, Chatham conducted or received 372 tests with 9 positive cases for a positivity rate of 2.42%. So far, we are pleased with the low positivity rates we are seeing in the Entry Testing. 

Entry Testing Insights
With the positive cases we have seen during Entry Testing, the individuals reported they were experiencing very mild symptoms such as runny nose, headache, etc. Once again, this reinforces that the most important things we must all do this semester are: 

  • Continue to wear masks at all times
  • Maintain physical distance
  • Stay home if sick (no matter how mild the symptoms)
  • Reach out to Student Health Services to discuss your symptoms and testing options 

As always, please reach out to Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback form if you have any questions or need additional information. 

We wish everyone a healthy and good spring semester. 


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and The Office of Student Affairs

Dear Faculty & Staff, 

Chatham’s 2021 Testing Plan includes Entry Testing for all students, along with testing options for employees who would like to participate in entry testing. 

Following the entry testing period, we are expanding our sample testing protocol from the fall to include faculty and staff (along with students) who have in person activities throughout the Spring 2021 term.  

Spring Entry Testing – Last chance to sign-up
The final opportunity for faculty and staff to receive an entry test is on Wednesday, January 20th.  Any faculty or staff member who will be in person this term is encouraged to sign up through the Curative portal. This testing is not mandatory and is being provided as an option for those who wish to take advantage of this service as part of Chatham’s commitment to supporting a healthy living and work environment for all.  

Sample Testing – Sign-up by January 21st
Chatham will begin our Spring 2021 Sample Testing protocol the week of January 25th and it will run weekly to the final week of the term. During this time, 5-10% of in-person students, faculty, and staff will be randomly selected each week to be tested.  Testing will be free and done on campus. 

We are asking all faculty and staff who will regularly be on campus in-person throughout the Spring 2021 term to fill out this form no later than January 21st to be included in the pool for sample testing. 

Each Monday beginning January 25th, Student Health Services will send out an email to those students, faculty, and staff who have been selected for sample testing, and it will be your responsibility to sign up for testing once notified. Instructions on how to sign up for sample testing will be included in the email notifying you that you have been selected for testing. 

Sample and entry testing is the only form of testing available to faculty and staff through Student Health Services. If you become symptomatic, you should work with your Primary Care Physician and county resources for testing. Student Health Services will continue to test symptomatic and close-contact students. 

We appreciate your participation in this effort to keep Chatham’s campus community safe.

Thank you, 

Frank Greco
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources

Ron Giles
Director of Student Health Services

Dear Students, 

This email is a reminder that on-campus COVID-19 entry testing is available for commuter (off-campus) students next Wednesday, January 20th. Testing is mandatory for any student taking in-person classes (staring January 25) or participating in any campus activity in January. Please register as soon as possible to secure your space as testing spots are limited. You can register on the Curative website.   

If you have received a PCR test off-campus or had a positive COVID test in the last 90 days, please remember to submit your test results using the Spring 2021 Entry PCR Test form. 

In addition to Entry Testing, Chatham is asking all students (including those living off campus) to shelter in place by limiting all non-essential activities prior to and upon arrival at Chatham.  

Thank you for your attention and commitment to this testing requirement. If you have any questions, please contact Student Health Services at StudentHealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714. 


The Office of Communications, Student Health Services and The Office of Student Affairs

Dear Faculty & Staff,  

As part of Chatham’s Spring Entry Testing plan, the University conducted entry testing for public safety officers and front-line housekeeping, facilities and student life employees who have direct student interaction starting this first week of January.  

We have some opportunities for additional entry testing for faculty and staff with direct, in-person student interaction in the month of January through a class or activity. This testing is not mandatory and is being provided as an option for those who wish to take advantage of this service as part of Chatham’s commitment to supporting a healthy living and work environment for all.  

Regardless of testing participation, we continue to request that all employees to shelter-in-place by limiting their non-essential activity and interactions prior to returning to work on-campus, and to follow all health protocols with regard to masks, physical distance, washing hands and staying home when sick.   

If you meet the testing criteria above (direct, in-person student interaction in the month of January) and would like to receive testing, there will be a limited number of spots available on January 11 and January 20 through the Curative Mobile Testing Van.  

The link to register for testing on the 11th is here: http://curative.com/sites/22621?date=2021-01-11. Spots are limited so we encourage you to register early. The link to register for testing on the 20th will be sent closer to the testing day.  

Thank you again for all that you do every day to help keep our community together and safe. 


Frank M. Greco
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources

Dear Campus Community,

Happy new year! We hope you all have had a restorative, restful and happy holiday break. This email is a reminder of some of the COVID-related changes you can expect this week and next.

Effective at 8 a.m. this morning, Governor Wolf lifted the restrictions that were put in place on December 12, closing gyms and indoor dining among other things. Employees and departments should work with their supervisors concerning the status and continuation of any work-from-home arrangements that were in place.

Entry testing is mandatory for students who live on campus or participate in on-campus activities, including classes. The on-campus testing details and schedule (by student groups/designation) is available at http://kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19/testing-contact-tracing/spring-entry-testing.html.

Please note that entry testing on January 4, 5, and 6 will take place in the Welker Room, not Student Health Services. Entry testing on January 11 and 20 will take place in a mobile testing van located near the Chapel. 

You must register for entry testing, and you can do so here on the Curative portal registration site.   

If any students need symptomatic or close contact testing, please call Student Health Services to schedule testing, which will take place at Student Health Services from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. daily. 

In addition to the Entry Testing requirements outlined above, Chatham is asking all students (including those living off campus) to shelter-in-place by limiting all non-essential activities for 7-10 days prior to and upon arrival at Chatham.  

Students will only be permitted to attend in-person classes once they have received and submitted a negative COVID-19 test and their shelter-in-place period of 7-10 days is complete.  

We also encourage employees to shelter-in-place by limiting all non-essential activities prior to their arrival on campus.

Daily Health Screenings are still required for all students and employees when on-campus (and required for access to dining facilities, the AFC and JKM Library). Utilize the ChathamU app for a quick and convenient phone-based health screening or visit the AFC for an on-campus screening. More information is available at: http://kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19/health-safety-protocols/daily-health-screenings.html.

The following dates pertain to the start of the Spring term:*  

  • Wednesday, 1/ 6 – Friday, 1/8: Introductory virtual class period begins. Students should check courses on Brightspace and communicate with faculty as necessary.
  • Monday, 1/11: All classes begin virtually.
  • Monday, 1/25: In-person classes and labs begin. 

*Some graduate programs have alternate plans and students have been notified by their departments regarding program-specific expectations.

Athletic Fitness Center
The AFC will open beginning Wednesday, 1/6, with limited hours through Saturday, closed Sunday, and then fully open next week. View this week’s schedule.

JKM Library
The library is scheduled to reopen on Monday, January 18. Throughout the month, JKM librarians will be offering full virtual services and staffing the Virtual Chat Service on a schedule viewable here. The 24-hour computer lab is available with card access. 

Now through January 25, Parkhurst is offering exclusively to-go options at Anderson, Eastside, and Eden Hall Campus. In addition, hours of operation have been adjusted—you can view them on myChatham. Information on mobile and grocery ordering is available on my.chatham under Dining Services. 

Post Office & Copy Center
The Copy Center is open until 4 p.m. each weekday (through January 25) and work can also be scheduled by appointment. The Post Office is open normal business hours and delivering mail to departments by appointment or as needed.   

Weekly COVID-19 update emails will restart beginning this Friday, January 8, and we encourage everyone to keep visiting the site at kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19 for the latest information and to submit any questions or feedback. 

We wish you all the best for a successful term as Spring 2021 kicks off.


The Office of Communications