2022 Communications
Communications to Campus
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Dear Students, Staff & Faculty,
On March 11th, the world recognized the 3-year anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring COVID-19 a global pandemic. Thanks to ground-breaking vaccines and treatments to combat severe illness, effective public health measures, and a greater awareness of personal health choices like staying home when sick, COVID-19 is not the deadly emergency it once was.
Throughout the pandemic, Chatham has followed the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and our state (and local) public health departments. When necessary, we have adapted our policies to match the latest health guidance and the conditions on our campuses. Based on this approach, we find ourselves today at another time of change in our campus health protocols.
COVID-19 vaccines remain an effective tool for reducing infection and severe illness, and they’ve played a key role in our health protocols and return-to-campus strategies. As the virus has evolved, so have the COVID-19 vaccines with updated formulations (i.e., bivalent boosters) and new guidance from the CDC recommending COVID-19 vaccines being administered annually like yearly flu shots.
In alignment with this new guidance and with low case rates on campus, Chatham will no longer require a COVID-19 vaccination for employees and students, effective with the start of the summer 2023 semester (April 24). Chatham continues to highly recommend the COVID-19 and annual flu vaccines and will support our community by once again offering clinics in the fall with our health partner, UPMC.
Note: Students and faculty who participate in internships, research, clinical healthcare or education field placements may have separate site requirements and regulations related to the COVID-19 vaccination at these locations. Please check with the location of your internship, research, or placement.
While the measures we enacted throughout the emergency continue to change, the vast loss of life and other health impacts (physically, mentally, and socially) from the pandemic emergency are powerful reminders to stay vigilant in protecting yourself and others against COVID-19 and other transmissible illnesses moving forward. We continue to strongly encourage everyone to stay up to date on vaccinations, stay home when feeling sick, and if inclined, to wear a mask when in crowded indoor locations (especially during respiratory illness season).
As always, thank you for all that you have done individually and collectively in support of our community health measures throughout these historic times. Your efforts have been truly extraordinary and central to our success in keeping the campus as healthy and safe as possible.
Best wishes on a successful rest of term,
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, Human Resources and the Office of Marketing & Communications
Dear Students, Staff and Faculty,
In alignment with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance and based on the success of the COVID-19 vaccines in reducing infection and severity of illness, Chatham required a COVID-19 vaccination (including booster) for all students participating in face-to-face classes or campus activities, and for all faculty and staff for the current academic year.
Vaccination Rates
As of today, 94% of the Chatham community has been fully vaccinated, and 73% have received at least one booster shot (the booster rate for Allegheny County stands at just 52%). We had nearly 100 people at our last booster clinic and are pleased that reported case counts have remained relatively low on campus, with just 10 cases reported in the month of October (and 57 total since August 1).
Booster Extension
To help support our positive campus trends and to align with the latest health guidance on booster timing for the traditional height of cold and flu season, Chatham is extending the booster shot deadline to January 9, 2023. It takes about 3 weeks for booster shots to be effective and this timing will better support students starting in the Spring term. This will also maximize protection for newly boosted individuals during January and February, which is when our campus experienced the highest rates of COVID-19 cases last year.
All students and employees must have a waiver request or proof of booster on file by this deadline. If you are not receiving a booster for medical or religious reasons (including if you received your original vaccination shots), please complete and upload your waiver request on our web form as soon as possible.
If you have not yet received your booster and are not applying for a waiver, you can make a vaccine appointment through an authorized vaccine provider.
Questions & Contact Information
As always, please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback Form if you have any questions, input to share or need additional information.
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Marketing & Communications
Dear Students, Staff and Faculty,
As we begin the academic year on Monday, we are writing to share important and latest updates on Chatham’s COVID-19 response and management.
One change from last year is that we will not be providing the regular weekly Friday email updates unless conditions change dramatically on campus this semester, and instead will focus on sharing relevant updates throughout the semester as needed. As always, the latest information and resources are always available at kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19 and a few important updates are outlined below.
Campus Mask Guidance
Given Chatham’s high vaccination rates and low campus case counts, Chatham is currently mask optional on campus. Free KN95 masks are available at Student Affairs in Woodland Hall for anyone who needs or would like one, and we ask everyone to continue treating each other with kindness and respect around personal mask preferences and choices.
While we are not requiring or mandating masks on campus, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does provide Individual-Level Prevention Steps people can take based on their COVID-19 Community Levels (Low, Medium and High). Chatham believes it is important for community members to make individual decisions around masking based on this guidance and other personal health, vaccination and other considerations. You can read more about the steps and individual recommendations for the Low, Media and High designations on the CDC COVID-19 Community Levels webpage. As further background on this topic, Allegheny County was in the High designation on 8.4, Medium on 8.11, High on 8.18 and is currently Medium as of yesterday 8.25. When the designation changes, we will communicate this on our COVID-19 Information site.
Chatham and the CDC continue to ask everyone to wear a mask if feeling ill, while awaiting COVID-19 test results, and for the recommended durations if positive for COVID-19 or identified as a close contact. As always, if high case counts or other conditions on campus would change dramatically this year, Chatham may modify our current optional mask policy and approach.
View Health & Safety Protocols.
Testing & What to Do If Positive or a Close Contact
Student Health Services provides free COVID-19 testing for any students with symptoms or who have been identified as a close contact and wish to be tested on day 6 (recommended, but not required per latest CDC guidance). In addition, if any students or employees receive a test off-campus or via an at-home test, please submit your results using our Off-Campus Testing Form on our website.
If someone tests positive for COVID-19, we have provided information on the steps you should take on the Testing Details page of our website. Please utilize this resource if you feel ill and/or test positive for COVID-19. The most important steps each one of us can do are to stay home if not feeling well, get tested, wear a mask while feeling ill (and for the recommended duration if positive), and follow all the guidance provided on our website and by the CDC.
Student Health Services will also provide resources for those who are positive for COVID-19 to alert their close contacts. The CDC also provides several resources to help determine if you are a close contact and what you should do if you meet the criteria. One big change from previous years is that if you are a close contact, you no longer need to isolate yourself; however, the CDC recommends you wear a mask for up to 10 days, monitor for symptoms, and get tested on day 6 (optional/recommended, but not required).
View Testing Details and What to Do If Sick or a Close Contact.
Vaccination Requirements
Chatham requires COVID-19 vaccination (including booster) or an approved waiver for all employees and students on-campus this academic year. Chatham currently stands at 93% fully vaccinated and 60% (vaccination + booster). These rates are higher than general Allegheny County rates (73% for fully vaccinated and 56% for booster doses), and we want to thank everyone for helping to keep our community healthy through vaccination.
The final deadline for proof of booster shot is November 1, and vaccination clinics will be scheduled on campus in September and October. In addition, both Pfizer and Moderna have applied for Omicron-specific booster approval, and we are hopeful they will be approved and available this fall. More information will be shared on these clinics next month.
View Vaccination Details and Campus Dashboard.
Questions & Contact Information
As always, please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback Form if you have any questions, input to share or need additional information.
Good luck (and good health) to all this academic year,
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Marketing & Communications
Dear Students, Staff and Faculty,
As previously communicated, Chatham will once again require a COVID-19 vaccination (including a booster shot) for all students participating in face-to-face classes or campus activities, and for all faculty and staff for the 2022-2023 academic year. As with other required vaccinations, Chatham will allow students and employees with valid medical or sincerely held religious reasons to apply for an exemption.
Vaccination or Waiver Deadlines
Following are the deadlines for the 22-23 academic term:
- Proof of original COVID vaccination records (if not already on file) or a waiver request are due by August 1, 2022.
- Booster records are due for upload no later than November 1, 2022.
Failure to have proof of vaccination or an approved waiver on file by the deadlines above will result in denial of access to university systems, to not be allowed to attend classes or work, and/or other measures.
Vaccination or Waiver Submission Instructions
For the 22-23 academic term, COVID-19 vaccination records or waiver requests will no longer be submitted using Med+Proctor. Documentation already submitted via Med+Proctor will be transferred to the new system, and the system will automatically send reminders and links to complete your records. Below are directions based on different scenarios:
- For returning students and employees with original vaccination plus booster on file from last term, you will not have to do anything as your records will carry over.
- For returning students and employees with only an original vaccination on file, you will just need to upload your booster record by the deadline via the link you will receive in an email from Health Services (if you do not see these emails, be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder).
- For new students and employees, upload your vaccination records or waiver request by the deadlines via the link you will receive in an email from the Health Services (if you do not see these emails, be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder).
- For those new or returning students and employees who wish to request a waiver for the term, you must complete and submit an authorized waiver form for review and approval. You can download a waiver from the informational website.
Vaccination record email reminders will begin this week and be sent to your waki-aiai.net e-mail address (if you do not see these emails, be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder). If you do not receive an email from Health Services, you can upload your COVID-19 vaccination records or waiver request by accessing the Vaccine Requirement Records Form here.
You can find more information on the vaccination requirement, instructions, and links on the Vaccine Requirement pages of our COVID-19 Informational Site. If you have questions, problems or need assistance with your vaccination or waiver submission, please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714.
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Marketing & CommunicationsDear Faculty, Staff and Students,
Last evening, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lowered Allegheny County from the “High” to the “Medium” designation in the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level tracking tool amid a decline in new cases and other key metrics.
Chatham’s campus case counts continue to remain low, and in alignment with the revised COVID-19 Community Level designation, Chatham will return to masks optional in all indoor campus locations (including classrooms and labs) effective Monday, June 13.
Chatham continues to provide free surgical or KN95 masks for all students and staff who want them. Please remember that anyone may choose to wear a mask wherever and whenever they wish, and we ask everyone to treat each other with kindness and respect.
The CDC’s strongest COVID-19 public health measure continues to be the guidance to stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccines, including receiving a booster shot. As a reminder, all community members will be required to have proof of vaccination (including booster) or a waiver request on file for the 22-23 academic term.
Please contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback Form if you have any questions, input to share or need additional information.
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Marketing & Communications
Dear Faculty, Students and Staff,
On Friday of last week, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) moved Allegheny County from the “Medium” to “High” designation in the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level tracking tool, and recommends the following prevention steps for individuals:
- Wear a mask indoors in public
- Stay up to date (including a booster) with COVID-19 vaccines
- Get tested if you have symptoms
- Additional precautions may be needed for people at high risk for severe illness
While Chatham’s campus case counts continue to remain low, we will modify our current mask policy from optional in all indoor locations to the following to further support the new COVID-19 Community Level Allegheny County designation:
- Masks are strongly encouraged in all indoor, non-classroom locations
- Masks are required in classrooms, labs and healthcare settings
To allow time for classroom planning and transition, this policy change will become effective beginning Monday, June 6. In addition, Chatham continues to provide free surgical or KN95 masks available for all students and staff at Student Affairs in Woodland Hall and at Chatham Eastside and Eden Hall Campus locations.
When the COVID-19 Community Level designation returns to “Medium,” the campus will return to masks optional in all indoor locations. If campus or local COVID-19 trends worsen over the coming weeks, we may modify our mask policy again.
Chatham continues to plan for the fall regarding our policies and responses for managing the endemic phase of COVID-19. Our experiences and the data we’ve gathered this past year (and over the summer) will inform our policies for the fall, which are built on the foundation of the most effective and recommended public health measure we can take: a vaccination (with booster) requirement.
As always, contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback Form if you have any questions, input to share or need additional information.
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Marketing & Communications
Dear Students, Staff and Faculty,
In alignment with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance and based on the success of the COVID-19 vaccines over the past academic year in reducing infection and severity of illness on campus, Chatham will once again require a COVID-19 vaccination for all students participating in face-to-face classes or campus activities, and for all faculty and staff for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year.
Vaccine Requirement Details
Chatham’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement for the 2022-2023 academic year is based on the CDC’s “up to date” vaccination definition, which is defined as a person having received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including any booster dose(s).
This means that students or employees on campus must have a record of their original COVID-19 vaccination (two-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine; 1-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine) and a record of their booster vaccination—if more than 5 months since their original COVID-19 vaccination—to be considered “up to date” and in compliance with the requirement.
As with other required vaccinations, Chatham will allow students and employees with valid medical or sincerely held religious reasons to apply for an exemption. If a student or employee had a COVID-19 exemption during the current academic year, they must apply for a new waiver for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Vaccine Requirement Timing
The records for the original vaccination dose(s) must already be on file or uploaded to Med+Proctor by August 1, 2022. All waiver requests must be received and approved in Med+Proctor by August 1, 2022. Records for the booster vaccination must be uploaded to Med+Proctor no later than November 1, 2022.
Chatham is pursuing this vaccination approach with extended booster timing to reflect any updated booster guidance that may come out later this year, to have the option to receive boosters over the summer or closer to the traditional respiratory illness season, and to host a series of booster clinics on campus this spring and fall.
Failure to have proof of vaccination or an approved waiver on file by the deadlines above will result in denial of access to university systems, to not be allowed to attend classes or work, and/or other measures in the 22-23 academic term.
Other Considerations
This policy may be updated or modified based on any new CDC or other public health guidance that may be issued between now and August 2022. In addition, some activities, such as: NCAA athletics, healthcare clinical rotations, and internships, may have additional vaccination or timing requirements as determined by the sponsoring organization, hosting site or employer.
Chatham currently requires enrolled students to be immunized for COVID-19, hepatitis B, meningitis, measles, mumps, and rubella. Vaccinations for the flu, chickenpox, tetanus, hepatitis A and polio are recommended for your general well-being, but not required.
Next Steps
For returning students and employees, your original vaccination record is already in the system, and you will just need to visit Med+Proctor to upload your booster record once you have received it. For new students and employees, please visit Med+Proctor to create your account and upload a copy of your original vaccination record and your booster record (if five months have passed since your original vaccination) once that is received.
For those returning or new students and employees who wish to request a waiver, you must complete and submit an authorized waiver form for review and approval. Additional information and details on the waiver forms and process will be posted on our COVID-19 information site over the coming weeks.
More information and links to waivers, instructions and links for Med+Proctor, and links to schedule vaccine/booster appointments are available at kndq.waki-aiai.net/covid-19/vaccine-info/index.html.
As always, contact Student Health Services at studenthealth@waki-aiai.net or 412-365-1714 or fill out the Questions & Feedback Form if you have any questions, input to share or need additional information.
Student Health Services, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Marketing & Communications